Quinn and Carter will be forced to begin new chapters of their lives, coming up on The Bold and the Beautiful (B&B). Hope will free Thomas from his cage and the two will run to the police, but will they get there in time? Also, what will become of Zoe? We’re reading between the lines of the latest storylines and spoilers with the below plotline predictions for July 5 to 16, 2021.
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12. Divisions Over Bill
It’s a coin toss to say whether a family emergency will mend or re-open petty differences between relatives. In the case of Bill’s incarceration, Katie will see both sides of that coin. While Donna will step up to help her maintain her family life with Will, Katie won’t get a lot of empathy from Hope — despite the two grieving the same loss. Hope isn’t close to forgiving Bill for putting Liam behind bars, and we can expect the rift between these two wives to intensify in short order…
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
11. Liam Gets Transferred
… because Liam will be transferred to a Federal prison! Spoilers tease that Liam will be uprooted from his local jail cell and carted away in a paddy wagon. Hope will arrive in time for a tearful farewell and chase the prison van as it departs the premises. This development will make Hope all the more desperate to vindicate her husband.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
10. Justin Recognizes Hope As A Threat
Once Hope discovered that Justin is in possession of Thomas’s phone (and apparently keeping it charged for him — how nice…), you could see from the look on Mr. Barber’s face that Hope knows too much. Justin’s excuse for holding onto the phone didn’t land well, and he knows he’ll have to adapt his plan to avoid Hope’s watchful eye. Could he place Hope in harm’s way as he fights to keep his newfound power?
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
9. Justin Might Come Clean
Justin has turned into a villain at such a break-neck speed, it’s understandable to see him stumble under the mounting pressure to keep himself collected. His flashbacks of clocking Thomas while Hope had the attorney on his heels seemed less like a recap for viewers than a sign that Justin might not be cut out for this treachery. When the odds are stacked against him, will he come clean and beg for Bill’s forgiveness? (Maybe he should start with Thomas…)
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
8. Thomas Begins To Lose It
B&B viewers have debated whether Thomas Forrester’s rehabilitation would be a short-lived phase, or a serious reboot of this character. Recently, it seemed clear that he was fighting for the truth — even to the detriment of his affections for Hope — when he recognized that Liam is innocence. But the longer Thomas languishes in that basement cage, the more we’re seeing his guilt over Vinny, and anger towards Justin, destroy him.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
7. Hope Will Find Thomas
Spoilers tease that Hope will discover Thomas this week. Once Hope knows the full story about Vinny’s actions and Thomas is out of that cage, they’ll immediately depart for the police station to tell Deputy Chief Baker. While Hope is chasing after Liam (as described earlier), Thomas will catch his breath and tell Baker what Justin has been up to!
Love B&B? Share all of your B&B opinions and join the discussion on our B&B Facebook Page.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
6. Eric Unleashed
You don’t get to Eric Forrester’s position in life by making hasty judgments — nor by being indecisive. In the fallout of Quinn and Carter’s affair, an emotional Eric will honor both of those disciplines: he’ll ruminate on Carter’s future (and let the COO sweat it out in the meantime), while kicking Quinn out of his mansion.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
5. A New Love Triangle
Spoilers tease that a new love triangle will develop around Eric, with Donna and Shauna both eager to help the magnate believe in love again. Although Donna seemingly has the upper hand when it comes to her Honey Bear, a storyline involving Eric and Shauna has more sizzle — especially if Quinn was hoping to move in with her bestie!
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
4. Carter Will Get A Pass
Brooke has already spared Carter of any guilt in Quinn’s deception, and Ridge seems more puzzled (and worried for his pop) than angry. As for Eric, he will learn a valuable lesson that he should trust his gut instincts. B&B viewers will remember that it was Eric’s mistrust of Quinn that set the wheels in motion for Quarter to happen in the first place. For this reason, he may take pity on Carter and assume that he was also manipulated by Quinn. Besides, the humiliation Carter would feel around Forrester Creations should be punishment enough.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
3. What About Zoe?
Kiara Barnes’ last scenes on the B&B canvas aired July 6th, as Zoe accepted her sister’s apology for keeping the secret of Carter’s indiscretion and departed for Paris. Although Zoe was reeling from the revelation, she left the canvas with an open mind about reuniting with Carter. As anticlimactic as this sounds, there are already rumors that Kiara Barnes might return to B&B later this year, so you know this isn’t over!
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
2. Quinn Loses Everything…
Despite the mistakes she made, Quinn doesn’t want to say goodbye to Eric. Of course, she also doesn’t want to say goodbye to the Forrester lifestyle. So where will Quinn turn, now that she’s lost everything? Will she be a “persona non grata” at the Walton loft as well, since Carter is clinging on to the hope that he won’t be fired? Will Wyatt and Flo open their doors to her? This is your cue to speak up, Shauna.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
1. …Which Should Concern Everyone
Could Quinn really lose everything — her job, her husband and her reputation? Certainly she has her own resources, but her sudden misfortune would be devastating. This should concern everyone in L.A., as nobody wants to see Quinn Fuller desperate. Might this very public downfall convince Quinn to carry out the threats she issued to Paris and Brooke? We’ll have to keep tuning in to find out!
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com