As Brooke rushes to save Hope from Thomas, a literal cliffhanger will take place at the cliff house, this week on The Bold & The Beautiful (B&B). Also, Ridge will be worried when Detective Sanchez shows up, hoping to talk to Thomas about Emma’s death. And Amelia will take Douglas to visit his fuming father, who is still in hiding. Plus, a sneak peek at next week. Learn more below in the B&B spoilers for the week of August 19, 2019.
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9. Wyatt The Waffler
Even though he was horrified by Flo’s part in the baby Beth kidnapping, Wyatt will be confused by his feelings for her. On the one hand, he’s extremely upset and disappointed that she kept a terrible secret from Liam and Hope. But on the other hand, he’s still in love with her. If Flo does end up spending a few nights in jail, will Wyatt begin to feel sorry for her? He has already apologized to Sally for making a big deal out of her minor lie a few months ago and viewers were hoping Wally would reunite. But if Wyatt does start to feel sympathy for Flo, will he also consider taking her back, even after all she’s done?
© Howard Wise/
8. Flo Gets What’s Coming To Her?
Now that Zoe and Xander have been fired from Forrester Creations and Reese has been arrested in London, Hope and Ridge will turn their attention to the next person who needs to pay the price for her betrayal and that’s Flo. Ridge is angry because Steffy had the daughter she was raising ripped away from her. And Hope is livid that Flo watched her suffering for months when one word from her cousin could have changed everything. B&B spoilers indicate that Shauna will be in shock as Ridge makes sure Flo gets what’s coming to her.
© XXJJohnson/
7. Detective Sanchez Returns
In casting news, Jeremy Ray Valdez will return to the B&B canvas as Detective Sanchez this week. Will he investigate Flo, arrest her and put her in jail? Spoilers indicate that the detective will not be investigating the baby swap, he will instead be looking to speak with Thomas regarding Emma’s death. Has someone called him to let him know about Thomas driving Emma off the road?
© Howard Wise/
6. Hope Asks Justin For Help
It looks like Carter didn’t do his due diligence and have a set of annulment papers signed and ready to be filed when Thope were married last month. So, Hope will turn to Bill’s lawyer Justin and ask him to annul her marriage to Thomas. She’ll also ask Justin to look into undoing Beth’s illegal adoption, so Beth can legally be declared as her daughter.
© XXJJohnson/
5. Enraged Thomas
Speaking of Thomas, spoilers tease he will rant and rave this week when he finds out Hope is annulling their marriage and has reunited with Liam. Desperate and feeling like he has no other choice, Thomas will rope Steffy’s nanny Amelia into his scheme. She’ll be with Douglas and will take him to see his angry father, who is still in hiding. Viewers can expect a heartbreaking scene in which Thomas yells at a frightened Douglas for snitching to Liam, Hope and Steffy about Beth.
© Howard Wise/
4. Brooke Comforts Ridge
Although Brooke and Ridge have never seen eye-to-eye on his children, especially Thomas, rumor has it, Brooke will console her husband as he worries about them. Ridge knows Steffy’s heart is still breaking from having to give up her adopted daughter. But he is particularly concerned for his son, who has gone off the deep end as of late and is in hiding. He also knows Detective Sanchez is looking for him and Ridge begins to wonder if Thomas really was responsible for Emma’s death.
© Howard Wise/
3. Lured To The Cliff House
Thomas will lure Hope to cliff house later this week. Will Amelia call her, telling her Steffy would like to visit with Beth? Or does she tell Hope that Douglas needs her? Regardless of the reason, Hope will be there, and she’ll be in grave danger as Thomas arrives to confront her about annulling their marriage.
© Howard Wise/
2. Damsel In Distress Part II
Spoilers tease mama bear Brooke will race against time to save damsel in distress Hope from Thomas, the dastardly B&B villain. Scenes involving Brooke, Ridge, Hope and Thomas were filmed at the cliff house location in July and it looks like there will be another epic standoff, this time between Brooke and Thomas. With rumors running rampant that Thomas will try to kidnap Hope, and possibly Beth, is someone going over the cliff?
© Howard Wise/
1. Sneak Peek – Week Of August 26
Dollar Bill will make a vow that everyone involved in the baby swap is going to be punished for separating Liam, Hope and Beth. Will viewers be treated to another satisfying scene of the Three Stooges (Flo, Zoe and Shauna) getting reamed out, much like when Ridge and Brooke railed against them? And rumor has it, tragedy will strike the Logans and Forresters. As if the B&B hasn’t been tragic enough lately! With Henry Joseph Samiri returning as Douglas again next week, will something terrible happen to him during the cliff standoff, or will he emerge as the hero once again? And will Thomas end up paying for all his threats and manipulations with his life? Stay tuned!
© Howard Wise/