Let’s face it ladies, sometimes we like our men rugged! From a little bit of scruff to a full-on beard, there are just some men that look better with, wait no, need facial hair! This list countdowns the top celebrities that stop our hearts with their manly-men facial hair expressions.
15. John Legend
I’ll give you “All of Me,” but only if you’re rocking the scruff! I don’t care about your accomplishments like your nine Grammy Awards, your Golden Globe, or your Academy Award! Show me the scruff!
14. Shia Lebeouf
Shia Lebeouf, you so crazy! After getting arrested, being accused of plagiarism, and being a tabloid’s wet dream, Shia Lebeouf lost a bit of street cred. He did seem to redeem himself on Jimmy Kimmel Live though, explaining the hilarity of his antics that wound him in handcuffs, and clarifying why exactly he punched Brad Pitt. In my mind, the elevation from insane specimen to likable-hero coincides with his embrace of the beard! Bearders of the world unite!
Camilla Morandi / Rex
13. Brad Pitt
Well, that was a nice segue into our next gorgeous beau, Brad Pitt! What a babe! Not that he could ever look bad, even if he tried, but we have to say, we love the scruff and the manicured goatee. Yes, beggars can be choosers, and I like my Pitt with a little bit of socially acceptable tameness and not looking like he’s spent the last 10 years in a secluded cabin in the mountains. Maybe that’s just me. Either way…keep the facial hair (rather than the copious numbers of kids) coming!
12. David Beckham
David Beckham…ohhh…David Beckham. You may just be the best-looking man to ever grace this earth with your presence, but much of your appeal lies in the manliness displayed through your scruff and/or your beard. Please never change.
David Fisher/REX
11. Robert Downey Jr.
Iron Man?? Prove it! Show us your manly side by embracing the scruff, goatee, and/or the beard! We love it! While no Iron Man 4 seems to be in the works, if Robert Downey Jr. agreed to rock some facial hair in the film, I’d write the movie myself!
10. Hugh Jackman
The love of Hugh Jackman with facial hair may just be because of some bizarre Wolverine cosplay fantasy, but nonetheless, I stand by my position that this man was not built to be a baby-face. The actor is your typical rugged hunk: tall, dark, and handsome. And the accent doesn’t hurt either. The fact that he’s an Aussie makes the sexual one-liners write themselves. Insert obscene reference to “down under” here.
9. Ryan Gosling
When Ryan Gosling doesn’t have facial hair, women everywhere feel like creepers! Ryan is way too baby-faced without that little bit of stubble that proves he’s fair game to take for a drink. We don’t want Bieber! We want Ryan, the MAN! Oh, and if he could be all brooding and lumberjack-ish and love us like Allie in The Notebook, we’ll settle for that too.
8. Drake
Canadian rapper Drizzy Drake makes new fans simply by looking like a stud with a beard. This man’s facial hair actually gives this suburb-raised Torontonian street cred. Like, he looks like he has some poignant points about social justice to make. Or…maybe he’ll just rap about hooking up with other celebs.
Robert Mitra/WWD/REX
7. Ryan Reynolds
No one can deny the babe-factor of Ryan Reynolds. Even Family Guy’s Peter Griffin wants to be with him! Two words: Blade Trinity. Case made. This facial-haired funny-man deserves to have his own line of manliness named after him, and while a non-bearded Ryan wouldn’t be a deal breaker the scruff puts his lust factor over the edge.
Dara Kushner/INFphoto.com
6. Justin Timberlake
JT used to be a little cutie in N’Sync but that all changed when he added the goatee to his wardrobe. This Mickey Mouse Club member went from teen girl crush material, to a real bona fide hunk. Justin, keep bringing sexy back by rocking that wicked face-do!
5. Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Best known for his role as Denny Duquette on Grey’s Anatomy, this macho man appeared to Meredith in dreams, so she and I have something in common. Personally, I’ll never forget his role as the Irishman who also happens to be a musician in P.S. I Love You. Could he be any sexier?!
4. Zac Efron
I don’t know when it happened, but child-star Zac Efron got hot, and I’m allowed to say that now because he has facial hair! Just a little stubble goes a long way in upping this celeb’s hot factor! I can’t wait to see him in Neighbours 2, and if you haven’t seen it already, checkout his Tweet “Training like Teddy.” You won’t be sorry.
3. Seth Rogan
So Seth Rogan may not quite fall into the “babe” category, but the funny-man is someone that requires facial hair not to look like a toe-thumb. Eww, the dreaded toe-thumb! Goggle it! Rogan’s facial hair make him endearing if not lust worthy, and that lands him in the third spot on our countdown. Kim Jong-un would approve!
Erik Pendzich/REX
2. Gerard Butler
Gerard…what a manly man! Did you know that he originally trained to be a lawyer before turning to acting? Hot! No one would dare challenge the epic nature of his beard in 300, but I think it’s that slightly dishevelled, unshaven scruff-look that suits him best. It really screams, this is what I look like when I wake up, and frankly, I find that look becoming for men. P.S. We love you.
1. Javier Bardem
Okay, so this list may be a little biased as I saved my personal favorite for last, but who can argue with the babe-a-licious Bardem and his glorious scruff?! I’m quite sure his polygamous character in Vicky Cristina Barcelona could be played out in real life with a little stubble and a flash of his Latin flare. This stud tops our list of the otherwise never ending list of men who look better with facial hair because he fully embodies that rugged, hunk-of-a-man, tall, dark, and handsome type we see when we stop looking at our partners and close our eyes at night. Buenas noches.