While American Thanksgiving was last week, in the land of Days of Our Lives (DOOL), Salemites will be celebrating this week. Everyone will gather together for little Thomas’ 1st birthday, as mom Abigail will be sharing in the memories (hiding) from the attic. So much more drama unfolding on DOOL in the next five days, check out the below spoilers for the week of November 28th.
5. More People Learn About Abigail
As mentioned above, while the Hortons are enjoying Thanksgiving and Thomas’ birthday, Chad will join the family to celebrate. Abigail is desperate that no one in her family finds out she faked her death, so she watches festivities from the attic. Meanwhile grandma Laura knows about Abigail, and Jenn will find out this week. Laura reveals Abby is alive to Jenn, but doesn’t get the reaction she was anticipating. She will rip into Laura for allowing her to believe her daughter was dead. In another twist, brother J.J. finds out and has a heartfelt reunion with his sister. That’s not the only tender moment around Abigail this week. She will manage a secret meeting with Thomas, holding him while no one is looking.
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4. Will J.J. Spill The Beans?
While J.J. promised not to say anything to Chad (or anyone) about Abigail being alive, he may be tempted to do otherwise. J.J. starts to see the connection between Gabi and Chad this week and doesn’t like it one bit. J.J. realizes that telling Chad his sister is alive could end this potential fling that Chad and Gabi are (knowingly or unknowing) mulling around. Can J.J. keep Abigail’s secret?
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3. Thanksgiving At The Carvers
Theo isn’t too pleased Valerie is at his house for Thanksgiving festivities. Abe insists that Theo behave, but his son doesn’t seem to follow orders. Still, Claire may be able to help take all this family drama off Theo’s mind. Spoilers are indicating that the couple may take their relationship to the next level (wink-wink). For fans of this couple, you won’t want to miss any DOOL episodes this week.
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2. Lucas Versus Justin
These two will come head-to-head again this week, all in the name of Adrienne’s love! While Marlena and Sonny will try to calm them down, it seems there is no love lost between these two. Meanwhile Kayla struggles to try and figure out what Adrienne’s medical condition is. It seems hard to diagnose, but Kayla will be persistent.
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1. Other Salem Drama
Eduardo and Kate enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner together, reconnecting with a nice talk. Marlena is there for Brady as he deals with losing Teresa. He opens up to Marlena about the entire ordeal. Brady feels confused about it all and is having a hard time with the fact that he could not help or save her in the end.
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