The bad guys seem to be ruling the roost in Salem this week. Aiden continues to blackmail Hope, and the three fugitives are still wreaking havoc on Days of Our Lives (DOOL)! This week, the drama and action escalates as there will be a shooting, a standoff, a fist fight and an unexpected shooting victim. Learn more about what to expect on DOOL for the next few days by reading the below spoilers for the week of October 3rd.
5. Hope Dumps Rafe
Aiden tells Hope that if she doesn’t dump Rafe for him, then she’ll face the consequences of Stefano’s death. Hope will do as Aiden asks, but Rafe is a smart cookie. He’ll realize something strange is happening right away. In fact, Rafe will actually punch Aiden out at one point this week. Alas, despite this small win – Rafe will quickly fall in order and do as Aiden says. Hope is not the only person that Aiden can blackmail, as Rafe was implicated in that recording too.
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4. The Families Of Salem
Lots going on in terms of family drama this week. The Kiriakis family will come up with a new plan, as their last one didn’t go off as it should have. This means a big gain for the DiMeras, and Andre will let Chad in on how to capitalize on this. Still, Chad wants to avoid playing dirty. However, by the end of the week it seems it is his only choice. This may place a wedge between him and his friendship with Sonny. The Hernandez family is also suffering from some woes this week. Gabi helps a friend get rid of a group of looters, only to notice that Dario is part of them!
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3. Friends Gather To Compare Notes
How can you take down a criminal? Look at what he has done in the past of course. This was the theory our DOOL heroes and heroines have this week when Kayla, Steve, John, and Marlena gather to talk about Orpheus and their own experiences with him. The foursome dive into past memories and flashbacks, which will help fill in some storyline gaps for those fans who weren’t watching DOOL in the ‘80s.
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2. Situation Gets Sticky
Orpheus accepts John’s ransom for Joey, and the two organize a spot to meet. John wants proof that Joey is okay before handing the criminal over money; however, being a guy who loves to be in control, Orpheus informs John that he doesn’t have much leverage to negotiate. The situation gets to a surprisingly dangerous level when Orpheus and John grab their guns. It’ll be a crazy face off DOOL fans won’t want to miss.
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1. Theo Looks for Revenge
Sadly, guns seem to be a-blazing every in Salem these days. On the other side of town, Clyde, intending to shoot Aiden, misses and hits Abe Carver instead. Spoilers indicate that Abe Carter will be in critical condition and they seem to be pointing at the idea that he may even die. Theo is looking for revenge so, when he finds a gun, he points it at Clyde. As Theo aims that gun at Clyde down an alleyway, the villain will grab a hold of Joey, using him as a shield. Joey will be shocked by Theo’s sudden actions, but Clyde seems to known the teen won’t shoot. Clyde dodges a bullet this week, but he’s living on borrowed time.
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