Wee-ooo, Wee-000… “You’re under arrest.” Everyone on this list functioned in some capacity on a reality show, and everyone on this list was guilty of a crime. Some are still serving time, some have time to serve and others are no longer living. If good drama makes for good TV, it’s no surprise that the following individuals were offered their own shows or were featured in one. Here are five couples from reality TV who have criminal pasts.
5. Debby and Mark Constantino
In one of the more tragic crime stories from the realm of reality TV, there’s the example of Debby and Mark Constantino. This couple claimed their fame on Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures as Electronic Voice Phenomenon experts. The couple appeared on the show several times and considered Sparks, Nevada home. The couple had multiple run-ins with the law over the years, and were described as mutually combative, but Mark Constantino had an irrational temper. They had both been arrested for criminal assault cases, and eventually split. In September of 2015, Mark killed one of Debby’s roommates, then held her hostage at an apartment belonging to one of their adult children. When police arrived, Mark fired shots and law enforcement withheld fire. They attempted to negotiate his surrender, but when S.W.A.T. breached the door the couple was dead in an murder-suicide.
Source: Facebook
4. NeNe and Gregg Leakes
NeNe and Gregg Leakes had a particular set of skills in their earlier life. Before the couple became known as personalities on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, they had a few run-ins with the law for lying to various parties in some interesting ways. For NeNe, she defrauded several companies, wrote bad checks, violated probation, served some time, then was arrested for writing some more bad checks. Gregg Leakes was also arrested for similar transgressions against the law, writing bad checks, petty theft, shoplifting and accepting stolen property; however, when it comes to mugshots, Gregg doesn’t compare to his lady love. The couple was married from 1997-2011, then split…then remarried in 2013. The couple seems to be one that has learned a few tough life lessons, and have hopefully put their criminal activity behind them.
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3. Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra
For fans of the guilty pleasure, 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, you may be surprised to learn that Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have been in trouble with the law. Hold tight on that, and we’ll address the cause of their arrest momentarily. For those outside the know, this couple is a “fan favorite” on the MTV reality show because of their accomplishments together since their teen pregnancy. The couple is now married, and they have a second daughter named Nova. The first child they gave up for adoption, and that’s how they scored their shot at fame in the realm of reality television. They’ve also appeared on the VH1 reality show, Couples Therapy. Back to their criminal record: this will come as a total shocker. They were arrest for “controlled substance use of marijuana.” Imagine that. Two kids trying pot. Tsk, tsk.
Source: Us Weekly
2. Mama June Shannon and Mike Thompson
It will come as little to no surprise that Mama June Shannon, mother of Honey Boo Boo, has been busted for breaking the law. June was arrested in 2008 for failure to pay child support. Her sweet lover boy, Mike Thompson, was arrested a couple of times back in the 1990s for burglary and possession of a firearm. Aside from the crimes for which they have both been convicted, they have toed the line of legality by allowing Alana “Honey Boo Boo” to take part in some seedy activity. Their home has enjoyed visits from Child Protective Services, concerning the activities of Honey Boo Boo, namely an incident involving the child drinking Red Bull and dancing at a bar for money. Charges were filed, but they were eventually thrown out by a judge, lacking merit. The scene was alleged to be “staged” for the sake of the show.
Source: PacificCoastNews.com
1. Teresa and Joe Giudice
Teresa and Joe Giudice are a pretty fascinating couple. Stars of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, both parties have been convicted of crimes, as well as being accessories to criminal activity. Teresa recently finished serving some “hard time” in a minimum security facility, and is now under house arrest, wearing an ankle tracker so authorities are always aware of her whereabouts. The agreement in their sentencing was that Teresa would serve her time first, being a shorter stint than Joe. Once she was released, Joe would prepare and report to serve his 41 month sentence. Like Teresa, there’s a good chance that Joe could do much less time than was initially sentenced, if he remains on good behavior and represents that he’s a model citizen while a part of the federal prison community. We’re guessing he’ll serve no more than 30 months, and likely less than 24.
MediaPunch / Rex Features