As Genoa City gets geared up for the Summer and Luca’s wedding, Young and the Restless (Y&R) fans get treated to some interesting character returns this week with Daniel, Noah, and Colin. Learn about why these familiar faces have come back to town, plus the other drama that ensues, in the Y&R spoilers for the week of August 22nd.
5. Summer And Luca’s Engagement Party
Noah and Daniel return to celebrate the engagement of Summer and Luca. While Noah makes it clear that he would like Summer to break up with Luca and call the wedding off, Daniel seems supportive. But, is this support legit or all part of Phyllis’ plan to break up the seemingly happy lovebirds? As such, Summer isn’t happy about her mother’s meddling ways and wonders if she should revoke Phyllis’ invite to the wedding. Phyllis tries to make everything better between her and her daughter as the wedding approaches. While she hates the idea of these impending nuptials, she still does not want to miss her daughter getting married. Still, Auntie Vicky will also have a hand in trying to split up Summer and Luca, with a plot of her own to break up the happy couple.
4. Billy Is Jealous
When Billy learns that Victoria has headed to Mexico to be with Travis, he gets hit by the jealous bug, again. Speaking off, Phyllis can’t shake her feelings for Billy off and when Jack tries to get intimate with her, she gets distracted, and Jack gets frustrated. Speaking of Victoria, she is faced with a big decision after she is reunited with former love, Travis.
3. Adam’s New Charges
Michael offers some counsel for Adam in light of his new charges. As Adam assaulted a guard at Walworth during a hallucination, Michael informs Adam that he needs to make a temporary insanity plea. Adam is faced with a hard decision, and moves forward with a guilty plea, after he finds out the guard is now in a coma. In other spoilers, Victor brings in Leslie Michaelson after questioning Michael’s abilities to help with Adam’s case. While Adam’s murder sentence will be dismissed, these new charges are another story. Adam makes a huge decision this week that will throw his entire world upside down.
2. Colin’s Return
While Noah and Daniel return to Genoa City for Summer, Colin Atkinson is back to confront Jill. He can’t understand why she pulled Brash & Sassy out from under Billy, and furthermore, he is puzzled as to why she organized it so that Cane and Billy are working together. Jill will work hard to keep all of her secrets and schemes under wraps and will not come clean to Colin. Who knows how long she will able to keep this up.
1. Other Genoa City News
As always, Nikki is completely enveloped in Victor’s schemes to save Adam and Summer. Victor seems to have an idea to help the situation his family is dealing with, but it will involve a self-sacrifice on his part. Can he go through with it? Then, there is Chelsea having to deal with the truth that Adam has lost his mind while in jail. Y&R fans will watch her struggle with this concept this week. Lastly, Chloe allows Kevin in this week and the two spend some quality time together with Bella. Is a reunion between these two eminent?