This week, expect lots of confrontations, some surprises, a fainting, and a bit of teen love! Want to learn more about what will happen the next five days on the Young and the Restless (Y&R)? Learn more about what shall be by reading the Y&R spoilers below for the week of July 24th.
5. Nick Confronts Hilary
Nick will lose it on Hilary this week. After she airs some controversial footage, Nick will head to her studio to give her a piece of his mind. Nick threatens to shut Hilary’s show down, and there will be nothing left once his lawyers get through. Hilary gives Nick the heads up that Victor gave his stamp of approval when it came to placing their argument on air, and she urges the Newman son to have a chat with dear old dad.
4. Bolder Nick?
The above incident is a small element around the recent evolution of Nick Newman. Nick will undoubtedly confront Victor about this at some point, but ex-wife and soul mate Sharon notices Nick’s bolder moves this week and calls him on it. Nick let’s her know that this is the new him. Y&R spoilers indicate that Nick relays that he is braver, bolder, and more ambitious. Should be interesting on how this all plays out.
3. Vicki Warns Jack
Nick is a bit bolder as of late and he may have been taking tips from sister, Vicki. Victoria pays Jack a visit this week to warn him about something. Could it be about his job offer to Cane or the kiss he shared with her mother, Nikki? Only time will tell, but it seems like this confrontation will be a heated one.
2. Victoria Collapses
While Victoria clearly wants to stop whatever Jack is doing in his tracks, she may not get to do this. Vicki will feel weak a little after her chat with Jack. She’s been having some crazy symptoms after a confrontation with Abby caused her to hit her head. Sadly, she’ll collapse in the elevator quite suddenly.
1. More Spoilers!
This week Phyllis will make a shocking discovery! Could she be the one to find Vicki collapsed in an elevator, or is this discovery something else … you’ll have to tune in to find out. Other Y&R spoilers include a little bit of teen romance blossoming when Reed and Mattie share a kiss. Ain’t young love on the Y&R grand? Meanwhile Hilary and Jordan examine their relationship.