Lauren continues to worry this week, Sharon talks to Faith, Jill threatens Colin, and Victor makes a vow. Sounds like a pretty interesting week in the land of The Young and the Restless (Y&R), would you say? Learn about the above stories and more in the below Y&R spoilers for the week of March 6th.
5. Lauren Stresses
Lauren will have a hard week, waiting to hear about Scott. When it turns out that her son isn’t at the correct location that he needs to be, she’ll be scared that the deal is over. Thankfully her brother-in-law Kevin saves the day and is still able to locate him. Lauren will also be quite thankful to Victor for all his help with her son.
4. Ashley and Ravi
As Ashley continues to send mixed messages to Ravi, daughter Abby will intervene and offer some advice. She’ll inform her mom that she needs to stop wavering back and forth with Ravi. As Ashley thinks about what her daughter has told her, she moves on and sets some boundaries around her working relationship with Ravi. She’ll have a talk with him and let him know she’s just interested in him as a ‘friend’. Ravi will be quite irritated with her being so ‘back and forth’ about the situation and doesn’t understand why they can’t be more than friends.
Chris D/JPI
3. Colin Comes Through
Colin will have to deal with Jill this week as she continues to torment him over losing Katherine’s ring. She threatens that he better find it and it seems that he just might do that this week and surprise her. Meanwhile Colin’s son Cane grabs an opportunity and runs with it. He will bask in some success and enjoy riding the wave.
2. Sharon Deals With Faith
Faith isn’t too pleased with Chelsea and her dad hooking up because she’d like to see her parents back together, but Sharon will have a talk with her daughter. She lets her know that her dad deserves happiness and Sharon will also tell her that she is okay with being single. Faith will thus apologize to Chelsea this week. Additionally, in an effort to get over Dylan and move on, Sharon decides to return to college to follow a dream.
1. Victor’s Vow
While Victor has been trying to lessen his involvement with Newman as of late and show Abby the ropes, he will make some sort of promise this week. Y&R spoilers indicate that after a talk with son Nick, Victor makes an important declaration and one that he is quite committed to sticking to.