Celebrities love to tell lies – some of them big and some of them small. They don’t have to lie, but they personally choose to do it, which is the real problem. What’s wrong with just telling the truth? In our opinion, nothing, which is one of the reasons why these lies seem especially dumb.
7. Victoria Beckham’s Breast Implants
Victoria Beckham spent years denying that she had breast implants even though her chest had obviously grown since her days as a Spice Girl. Then, in 2009, she started sporting what looked like a B cup and then in 2011 it looked like she was back to an A cup, the very size she had as a Spice Girl. In 2014, when she was asked about her plastic surgery, she admitted that she had purchased her boobs, but had them removed. We already knew that though.
Photo by David Fisher/REX Shutterstock
6. Tyga Living in the Ghetto
When Tyga first rose to fame, he claimed that he grew up on the mean streets of Compton but, as we later found out, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In 2012, footage was leaked of Tyga on an unaired MTV show, Bustas, where he talked about growing up in a “well to do” home in the Valley and how his parents drove a Range Rover. When asked about it, he insisted that he was lying for the MTV show and that he really did grow up Compton and was “still Street.” It doesn’t really matter what story is true – Tyga has no problem lying about stupid things.
5. Kylie Jenner’s Lips
When Kylie Jenner’s lips starting to get bigger and bigger a couple of years ago, she denied that she had anything done, but most of us didn’t believe her. After months of denials, she finally admitted to getting lip injections, which didn’t come at all as a surprise. The only surprising thing was that she finally decided to be honest. Considering that plastic surgery is the norm in her family, lying about getting lip injections is pretty dumb because we already all knew she did it, it was really obvious.
4. Nicki Minag’s Age
Nicki Minag claimed to have been born in 1984; however, according to a police report she filed back in 2011, she was born in 1982. What’s the point in shaving two years off her age? We’ll never know.
3. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Falling in Love on Set
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spent years denying that they fell in love on set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but in 2008, she told The New York Times that they fell in love on that movie set when he was still very much with Jennifer Aniston. These two…they made such a point of making their relationship – while he was still with Aniston – seem very platonic, but we knew all along that these two were falling in love. We were just waiting for them to admit it.
2. Nicole Kidman’s Use of Botox
For years, Nicole Kidman denied ever having had Botox or any plastic surgery, but everyone knew better since she was in her 40s and had yet to have a wrinkle. Finally, in 2013, she finally admitted to having “tried Botox,” but insisted that she stopped hence her ability to move her forehead. Sigh. Botox and fillers aren’t a huge deal in Hollywood – everyone does it, so why deny it?
1. Star Jones
When Star Jones dropped 160 pounds back in 2003, she claimed that it was due to diet and exercise. All of her co-stars on The View kept her surgery a secret. In 2007, she finally opened up to Glamour about getting gastric bypass surgery. She claims that the reason that she wasn’t honest about the surgery was because she wasn’t sure if it would work and she never felt like she should have to explain it. Sorry Star – when you’re in the public eye, you kind of have to explain things in your personal life. It’s part of the job.
Photo By Baxter/ABACA.