Happy Halloween General Hospital (GH) fans! ‘Tis the season to be frightened, and this seems to be a strong theme this week for the soap. A Halloween party brings out the worst in someone; Alexis continues to spiral down out of control with her alcohol issues; Sonny loses it; and Franco turns green with jealousy. It’s sure to be a spook-tacular week in Port Charles! Learn more about these storylines, and some other ghoulish ones, in the GH spoilers for the week of October 31st.
7. Halloween
Expect all things Halloween on Monday! Sonny blows up when he gets mistaken for someone else. There’s also a big Halloween bash, and spoilers are indicating that a surprise guest arrives and causes trouble. Could Valentin Cassadine be making an appearance to scare some Port Charles residents? While its unsure if Valentin is the unexpected guest at the party, he does show up this week to visit his half-sister Alexis, who can’t seem to put that bottle down. Spoilers also indicate that Dillon puts on some flirting charm at the Halloween party when it comes to Kiki and works hard to rekindle their relationship.
Source: celebdirtylaundry.com
6. Franco: The Big Green Monster
Franco suffers from some jealousy this week (times two) when it comes his love Elizabeth Webber. First, he gets upset when he sees Jason and Liz try to co-parent little Jake, and then Franco gets jealous once again when Liz helps Griffin with his single parenting woes and Charlotte. Franco tries hard to keep himself on level ground, but it’s a struggle for him.
Rick Rowell/ABC
5. Nelle Gets Grilled
Things aren’t going too well for Nelle this week. While she’s been able to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes thus far, she gets some flack this week. First off, she receives a letter that is related to her past. Nelle also overhears a conversation that leads her to some concern. Michael seems to be on to Nelle and whatever she may be up to. He lays into her this week, based on his grandmother Bobbie’s concerns.
4. Morgan’s Death
Morgan’s death continues to haunt some Port Charles residents. Ava will be feeling the guilt this week, and a message will throw her into a wave of terror, one that makes her think that all her evil-doings will be revealed. Sonny continues to grieve over the death of his son and continues to feel down when a sign he throws over to Carly gets rejected.
Howard Wise/JPI
3. Jason Worries About Sonny
As he continues to worry about his BFF Sonny, Jason sets out to find the truth around Morgan’s death. He turns to Curtis and hounds him for information. Speaking of, Curtis unfortunately turns his back on Valerie this week and turns to Jordan. As the week progresses, Sonny can’t hold in his hatred for Julian. It could get very ugly this week.
Howard Wise/JPI Studios
2. Griffin Continues To Struggle With Parenthood
As mentioned, Liz lends Griffin a hand with Charlotte. Anna also supports Griffin this week and helps out. Nathan, on the other hand, will become his partner this week, so to speak. The two dig around to see where Claudette might be, but is seems clear that she is missing. Griffin continues to bond with Charlotte. Speaking of Anna Devane though, she will be given a WSB assignment and it’s all about Valentin. GH fans will see that Anna still can’t shake the idea that she knows this man from somewhere … she also reveals something surprising, so fans will want to tune in!
1. More Spoilers!
JaSam share a sweet moment together, but Sam continues to fret over her mother Alexis, who tells her about a plan she has concocted. Maxie and Nathan are shocked when Nina informs them that Valentin has returned to her life. Hayden continues to go the distance with Finn and reveals her feelings for him.