Romance rules daytime drama and there is no better place to find a solid love story than Days of Our Lives (DOOL). Salem has produced some pretty amazing super couples over the years in the likes of Bo and Hope, Chad and Abigail, Marlena and John, and of course, Steve and Kayla. There are also those couples out there who weren’t quite as successful. Below is a list of eight DOOL couples that make better friends than lovers.
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8. Eric Brady and Jennifer Horton
These two bonded over their substance abuse problems and seemed to have a little bit of chemistry between them, but since they cleaned up their act, there has not been many sparks between them. It is so clear to everyone that Eric and Nicole Walker still have some unfinished business in the love department and an unwavering romantic bond.
© Howard Wise/
7. Chad DiMera and Melanie Jonas
These two were friends before any kind of romance occurred between them. Alas, they were young at the time they hooked up. Chad was with current-love Abigail [pictured] when he began developing feelings for Melanie. When he and Abby broke up, Melanie entered the picture. The two dabbled in a relationship, but trust was the underlying reason the two broke up. They made much better friends anyway!
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6. Steve Johnson and Billie Reed
When Steve Johnson returned to Salem after a sixteen-year absence, he had zero memories of his time with the love of his life, Kayla Brady. As such, he embarked on a short relationship with the beautiful and sexy Billie Reed. The moment he got his memories back, Johnson dropped Billie like a bad habit. They did have some fun times together and had a lot in common. The perfect foundation for a friendship, but not a relationship.
© Howard Wise/
5. Lucas Horton and Carrie Brady
Lucas was obsessed with Carrie Brady back in the day. What’s not to love, really? Carrie was beautiful, kind, smart, and funny. They had an interesting relationship in their younger years, during a time when Austin Reed was pre-occupied with Carrie’s sister Sami. At the end of the day though, Carrie’s heart belonged to Austin (and vice versa) and when the two were able to clear the air, Lucas was left in the dust. There were no real issues with Lucas and Carrie and the good news is that they are still quite friendly to this day.
©Paul Skipper/
4. Brady Black and Nicole Walker
These two former lovers had been friends for a very long while before they decided to make the plunge and turn their friendship into a romance. Brady has always been there for Nicole, has accepted her the way she is, and has kept some of her scheming secrets under wraps at times too. While one would think this is a foundation for love, it seems these two had issues within their relationship. They may have been better off keeping their status to friends than crossing that line.
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3. Rafe Hernandez and Hope Brady
Cops Rafe and Hope had been working in Salem’s Police Department for years as colleagues and friends. Rafe seemingly developed a crush on the beautiful Hope early on and tried to turn their friendship into a bonafide relationship. He succeeded and the couple seemed to be doing well. However, it’s hard to imagine Hope with anyone but her super couple sidekick Bo — and now they’re both off the canvas.
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2. Roman Brady and Marlena Evans
Hattie paraded around as Marlena on DOOL for a while, which was an interesting storyline. Her trying to kiss Roman when Roman thought she was Marlena was downright awkward. The incident was a good reminder that while Marlena and Roman once had something special, she belongs with John Black. Kudos to Marlena and Roman, who despite their shaky breakup, have remained pretty great friends over the years and were able to do the co-parenting thing well.
©Paul Skipper/JPI
1. Lucas Roberts and Sami Brady
It’s sad that Lucas has landed on this list twice, but the silver lining is that the character is a decent guy who can put negativity behind him when it comes to relationships. Yes, Lucas and Sami made a nice super couple in the early 2000s, but when EJ DiMera entered the Salem scene, all bets were off. The same dynamic returned in 2021, as EJ’s return sent Sami and Lucas scrambling to cover up their affair. As the two explore a relationship far away from DiMera, they can also fall back on their friendship. Plus, they’ve done well when it comes to raising their two children together.
© Howard Wise/