What a year it has been in the world of entertainment. Entertainers brought us some stellar collaborations, several strange, new fashions, bold entrances and exits…and feuds…Oh, the feuds…and then…more feuds. Some were rather predictable–Amber Rose and the Kardashian sisters–while others were real shockers. Many friends became foes via Twitter or Instagram, and other individuals were introduced to their fellow celebrities when the shade of a feudal cloud crept into their social media feed. As the year passes, let’s consider the surprise feuds between some of the industry’s biggest stars.
8. Justin Bieber vs. Bette Midler
In one of our favorite short feuds of 2015, we pit the handsome and completely clueless Justin Bieber vs. one of the wittiest human beings to ever strut the face of the earth, Bette Midler. When Justin had a few nude pics surface from a vacation earlier this year, his father responded by saying “What do you feed that thing?#prouddaddy” Justin, of course, feigned offense at being photographed nude, but we’re all hip to his jive. Bette Midler didn’t take kind to Jeremy Bieber’s comment, and fired back: “@justinbieber dad tweeted he’s proud of his son’s p-nis size. I think the biggest d-ck in this situation is the dad who abandoned his son.” Mic drop. Justin tried and failed to fire back, and Bette got the last laugh when she took Justin’s diss and spun it into her own. The Divine Miss M: 1. Bieber: 0.
7. Iggy Azalea vs. Britney Spears
What happened here? These two threw down a really crappy song together and everyone thought they were friends. Buds. Cohorts. Cronies. But it wasn’t the case. What was the case? They needed serious advertising money in order to shoot the video they wanted, and the song was awful. Just. Awful. Iggy suggested it was Britney’s fault the song didn’t climb the charts, passing the buck, because she was only featured. Britney responded with a suggestion of her own: she had shows that people were actually attending in Las Vegas. At least Britney didn’t offer too much delusion regarding the song’s lack of success. And she got the last laugh when Iggy had to cancel her tour because nobody wanted to see her perform on a grand scale. This is a classic example of never biting the hand that feeds you.
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6. Miley Cyrus vs. Nicki Minaj
Here’s another shocker. Two women who rely on hypersexuality to sell everything. Both incredibly talented, but content to take the road anyone can travel in order to pawn the cheapest version of their goods onto the public. In short, both are better than what they’ve offered over the past 24 months. Nicki Minaj called Miley Cyrus out on stage of the VMAs–which is code for the least meaningful awards show in history–calling her a b*tch, and open the can of worms to air between the two. Apparently, Miley offended Nicki earlier in the week in stating that Nicki was a little rough around the edges when expressing her opinion. These were two people everyone thought were cool with one another, if not secret friends and alliances. All it took was a cryptic tweet from Nicki, some misunderstanding and a Miley Cyrus interview: whoosh… a feudal fire.
5. Kris Jenner vs. Caitlyn Jenner
Who saw this one coming? Other than Seth MacFarlane, Jimmy Fallon and…OK…we all saw one aspect of this coming. But who saw the complete and total power play coming between Kris Jenner, and her former husband Bruce, turned into the woman of the year, Caitlyn Jenner. Kris Jenner thought she was the undisputed champion of her household, but she forgot she was married to an Olympic champion who will take the gold by any means necessary within the confines of the law. When the “Call Me Cait” Vanity Fair issue was released, the athlete formerly known as Bruce went off. He lit Kris up–like a firecracker. She exclaimed that she wished she’d never met him, and her daughters came to her defense saying he didn’t need to bash their mom on his way up. The irony: they stepped all over him during their climb…
Source: E!
4. Zayn Malik vs. One Direction
This got ugly fast, didn’t it? Zayn Malik was one of the former boy banders belonging to the British One Direction. The fellas seemed to have run their course, and naturally, one of the guys in the group wanted to move on and explore what life might like outside the bubble. Everything seemed amicable at the beginning–like when Justin Timberlake ventured away from NSYNC–and the band left the door open for Zayn to come back to the fold. Zayn had other ideas, and he quickly grew tired of reading about himself from the perspective of his former band mates, so he took a shot at Louis Tomlinson, and suggesting Louis was bitchy, and far too concerned about someone else’s life. This was the straw that broke One Direction’s back. They cut Zayn off. One source suggested Zayn was “dead” to his former friends.
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3. Drake vs. Meek Mill
For a bunch of dudes making music that is marginal at best, and would never fly in a the music industry of the past, it’s fascinating that these fools sling so much mud at one another. In a case of “I really write my stuff, and you don’t,” Meek Mill called out Drake for using a ghost writer, when Meek does all his own writing. And who cares? Survey says? Nobody. Seriously. The lyrical content for both fellas is severely lacking, and the Grammy Award nominations for the 2016 proved that Kendrick Lamar is paradigm to which all other current millennial rap artists should aspire to. Back to this feud. It went on, and on from Meek Mill, and to his credit, Drake silently went about his business. In the long run, Meek Mill withdrew his misplaced anger, and told Drake to keep on keepin’ on.
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2. Taylor Swift vs. Katy Perry
This one was a shocker. Truly. And a shame. These two ladies should have been collaborating on something, but it seems they’re both lost in the land of make-believe to such an extent they can’t see that they’re two sides of the same coin. This is what happens when celebrities share lovers. You would think with all that talent, and the seven billion people in the world, these two might not mix their paint brushes, but… it happened. It became rather obvious that the two didn’t like one another via Twitter, when they took potshots at one another without directly addressing the other, or stating a name. Then came Taylor’s video for Bad Blood–a short film of her character feeling betrayed by Selena Gomez’s character, who was cut to look just like Katy. Katy shared her displeasure via Twitter. These two have quieted, but there’s more in store for 2016.
Source: Kevin Mazur/WireImage
1. Kylie Jenner vs. Blac Chyna
The Kylie Jenner/Blac Chyna feud was the like the high school graduation gift that just kept on giving. It was/is so high school, and it won’t end. Maybe we’re not that shocked by this one, but we are shocked by its longevity. We do have a sneaking suspicion it won’t last much longer. Tyga’s star is rapidly fading. It’s remarkable that men falling for these women have yet to notice that all other men entering the lions’ den have died, nearly died, been killed on the inside or have turned into a woman. Only those getting out quickly manage to thrive: Reggie Bush. Kris Humphries. Tyga seems to be the next to crumble under the pressure of living in the surreal world. That said, we fully expect a little more feuding between Kylie and Blac before 2015 comes to an end. Christmas is…just around the corner!
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