9 Popular Celebrities Who Refuse To Lose Weight For A Role!

Joe Seer / Shutterstock.com

Hollywood is known for having unrealistic standards for beauty. Not only are celebrities expected to lose weight for the roles they secure but they’re expected to slim down to even be considered for jobs. There is an incredible amount of pressure on actors and actresses. Some celebrities, however, refuse to succumb to the unrealistic standards set forth by the industry. They realize that sacrificing their health for a career in Hollywood simply isn’t worth it. Here are 9 celebrities who refuse to lose weight for a role!

9. Sofia Vergara

Early in her career career, Sofia Vergara – who is known for her curvaceous figure – was encouraged to lose weight to further her career, but she stood her ground. “So, somebody told me, ‘You have to lose weight because… in the pictures, you’re gonna look better. Look at the other actors, how good they look,’” she said. “So I told her, ‘Yeah, they might look better in pictures, but I look better naked.’” We’re fairly certain she’s probably right about that!

8. Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence is one actress who is vehemently against losing weight for an acting job. She has become an advocate for positive body image because she is so refreshingly honest and candid about her views on weight. “I’m never going to starve myself for a part. I keep waiting for that one role to come along that scares me enough into dieting, and it just can’t happen. I’m invincible,” the “Hunger Games” star said. She has a red-hot career and an Oscar, so we’re guessing that nothing can take her down!

7. Gabourey Sidibe

Gabourey Sidibe isn’t interested in conforming to Hollywood’s unrealistic standards for beauty and all the pressure in the world are not enough to make her give in and start dieting. In response to the fat shaming she received for her Golden Globe appearance, the Oscar-nominated actress tweeted, “To people making mean comments about my GG pics, I most def cried about it on my way to my dream job last night.” Now that is a great way to respond to criticism!

6. Patricia Arquette

When Patricia Arquette landed a spot on the show “Medium,” one of the producers encouraged her to lose some of the baby weight from her pregnancy with her daughter Harlow, but she didn’t succumb to the pressure. “The producer said, ‘Honey, you’ve got to lose some weight.’ I felt like saying, ‘I don’t want to do this job then,’ because, to be honest with you, I’m trying to make little changes in the world. If it made any sense for this part – if this part was a supermodel or anorexic – then okay. But DuBois is a mother of three in a long-term marriage. It doesn’t make sense.”

5. Rosario Dawson

Even though Rosario Dawson is in fantastic shape, she still feels pressure to lose weight. “I would get told by my manager, ‘Rosario, you went into your audition with sweats today. If you want to wear a sweater, just make sure it’s tight.’ Because the casting directors would call her and say, ‘She’s great but the casting director needs to know if she’s slim.’ I’m like, ‘Dude, have you seen the photos I’ve done? You know what I look like.’”

4. Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler has had an incredibly successful career in Hollywood; however, like many actresses, she was pressured to lose weight, but she refused to give in to Hollywood’s unrealistic standards for beauty. “I’ve been told that if I lose weight I’d have more work, but I refuse to submit myself to Hollywood standards. To the rest of the world I am slim and I like the way I am.” Tyler has always been pin-thin, so asking her to lose weight is just ridiculous!

3. Gemma Arterton

Bond girl Gemma Arterton was criticized by the press for being noticeably curvier following her role in “Quantum of Solace;” however, she didn’t let it get to her. “I refuse to conform to this muscly, sinewy look that so many actresses seem to think is attractive. I hate it and I don’t think it’s very feminine,” the actress said. “I’m about to shoot a new movie and the first scenes involve me wearing a brown paper bag over my head, so that should shut people up.”

2. Cillian Murphy

Cillian Murphy recently announced that he will never starve himself for another role. He reportedly lost 15 pounds for his role as a shipwrecked whaler in the film “In the Heart of The Sea.” “Going to bed hungry is not something I want to do again,” he said. “And there were actors of different sizes so it was kind of, let’s just say, there was more demand on others. But it was very hard.” We can only imagine. Murphy was already thin, so losing 15 pounds would be anything but healthy.

1. Sienna Miller

When Sienna Miller won the role of Edie Sedgwick in “Factory Girl,” she was required to lose weight to play the insanely thin socialite. Unfortunately, she just couldn’t commit to her diet. “Edie was skinnier than I was so (director George Hickenlooper) wanted me to (lose weight). But I can’t work that hard and not eat. He’d come and try to snatch bagels out of my hands!” Very few women are skinnier than Sedgwick, so we completely understand why she gave up on the diet!