Kris Jenner is never going to win the Mother of the Year Award – ever. In fact, she’s on our list of worst celebrity parents. It’s easy to see why. She has a reputation for being shallow, greedy and super hungry for fame. She’s ruthlessly gone after fame and fortune, which has definitely affected her parenting skills. Here is a list of her 10 worst parenting fails:
10. Telling a Young Khloe To Get a Nose Job
According to Khloe Kardashian, mama Kris wanted her to get a nose job at the tender age of nine. “She didn’t mean harm, but when I was around nine I overheard my mom telling her friend I needed a nose job,” Khloe said. “I was shocked; I hadn’t even thought about it.” Yikes! Considering how much a person’s face changes from childhood to young adulthood, Kris was out of line to even suggest plastic surgery.
9. Letting Kendall and Kylie Be Homeschooled
When Bruce and Kris Jenner allowed Kendall and Kylie to be homeschooled so they could focus more time on their careers, it seemed pretty obvious that these two weren’t going to get a proper education. They’ve certainly made a lot more money because of this decision (Kris included), but they’ll never again get a chance to be kids. In this family, money always comes first.
8. Encouraging Kim To Do Playboy
When Playboy Magazine wanted Kim Kardashian to pose for them back in 2007, Kris Jenner was adamant that she do it. “They might never ask you again. Our show isn’t on the air yet. No one knows who you are. Do it and you’ll have these beautiful pictures to look at when you’re my age,” Kim quoted her mom as saying. Only a mother as image-obsessed as Kris would push her daughter to take her clothes off for Playboy.
7. Letting Kendall and Kylie Move Out
When Kendall turned 18, she purchased a $1.4 million condo in L.A. Kylie purchased a $2.7 million mansion when she was still 17. Both of them were quick to move out of their mother’s mansion and she didn’t really seem to mind. While Kendall is arguably more mature than Kylie, it was probably not a wise move on Kris’ part to let either of them move out so quickly. Just cause they are 18 doesn’t mean they are going to make good decisions.
Photo by Broadimage/REX Shutterstock
6. Cutting Kylie Off Financially While She Was a Young Teen
Kylie Jenner claims that she was cut off by her mother when she was just 14. “My mom cut me off financially three years ago,” she told Britain’s In Style earlier this year. So I pay for everything – my car, my gas and food as well as my clothes.” No wonder Kylie had to drop out of school to focus on her career – she had to be able to afford the Kardashian-Jenner lifestyle. It’s quite expensive.
Kristin Callahan/Everett Collection
5. Her Complete Obsession with Looks
All of the Kardashian-Jenner girls are obsessed with their looks and they get it from their mom, Kris. She taught them all from a young age that money, youth and beauty matter more than anything else. Kendall and Kylie aren’t even 20 yet and they are already worried about getting older. They know their worth is tied to their age and subsequently, their looks. Kim has also fallen into this way of thinking. Before she turned 30, she was already using Botox.
Photo by Rob Latour/REX Shutterstock
4. Letting Kylie Get Lip Injections
According to Kris Jenner, she didn’t give Kylie permission to get lip injections. Kylie just showed up at home one night with fuller lips and, even though Kris was upset about it, she had to accept it. “I got really upset, and then it was done, and I had to let it go,” she said. “Once that was done, it’s just my kid. I love my kid. We make mistakes.”
Sounds like Kris had little to no control over Kylie, which is pretty sad. If Kris didn’t give her permission to alter her appearance, then who did? And who gave Kylie permission to keep getting lip injections? Kris conveniently forgot to give these details.
3. Allowing Kylie to Date Tyga
Kylie began dating 25-year-old Tyga when she was either 16 or 17 and living under her mother Kris Jenner’s roof. Kris initially denied that Kylie and Tyga were dating; however, the news found its way out. Now that Kylie’s 18, sources are saying that there wasn’t much Kris could do about the relationship and that she now supports it. “There’s not much she could say since Kylie is an adult now,” the source said. “Kris actually supports their relationship big time.” For the majority of Kylie and Tyga’s relationship, she was underage, so Kris’ argument “well, she’s an adult now” doesn’t really work. She had an opportunity to do something and she didn’t. End of story.
2. Focusing All of Her Attention on Her Daughters
Most of us forget that Kris Jenner also has a son, Rob. She puts so much of her energy into her daughters and their careers, but she doesn’t put a tenth of that energy into her son Rob. His career has been fizzling for years and Kris, surprisingly, hasn’t done anything about it. We feel kind of bad for Rob. It must be hard being in a family where all of your sisters come before you.
1. Placing Money Above All Else
Kris Jenner is all about money. She never misses an opportunity for her and her family to make some cash. They have put their name on almost everything, from at-home laser hair removal systems to credit cards to diet pills. Lucky for Kris, all of her daughters like to work as hard as she does, otherwise they probably wouldn’t be as rich as they currently are.