The successful Bravo series known as the Real Housewives franchise has been on air for quite some time now, and with each new season, viewers are privy to more very strange behavior. These women might have a lot of money in the bank, but not all of them have their manners in check. In typical reality television fashion, a lot of these women don’t hold back when the cameras are around, even if it means exhibiting some bad behavior for the world to see. Ramona Singer might not be as controversial as some of the other headline grabbing housewives like Teresa Guidice or Brandi Glanville, but she sure does have her moments. Nicknamed, Ramona ‘Stinger’ for her mean comments and bad attitude, Ramona isn’t afraid to voice her opinions. Here’s a short list of some of her most recent controversial moments on the show:
7. I’m Sorry…
This past season of Real Housewives of New York we saw a lot of “I’m sorry” from Ramona, which was nice because in the past Ramona didn’t often take responsibility for some of her off-side comments. Recently, she’s been involved in a very public cheating scandal and divorce from her long-time husband Mario, which supposedly humbled her perspective on life. But it didn’t take long for Bethenny Frankel to call bullsh-t on the ‘new Ramona.’ She pointed out that Ramona tends to make rude remarks, but immediately feels regretful and apologizes. Frankel refers to her as a child in this aspect, because she’ll push her limits with people, but then crawl back and demand forgiveness with an empty “I’m sorry,” but there’s often no remorse behind her words. We’ve heard Ramona say those two little words so many times it’s become well rehearsed and well staged.
6. Turtle Time
Anyone who watches the show on a regular basis or even minimally knows that Ramona Singer loves her wine. But not just any wine — it has to be Pinot Grigio. She loves it so much that she branded her own Pinot Griogio called “Ramona Pinot Griogo” and has been known to bring her own supply wherever she goes, often stashing a bottle of wine in her purse. When Ramona drinks her antics are endless, so much so that being with her is referred to as being on, ‘the Ramona coaster,’ because she can be friendly one minute, and sharp-tongued the next (there’s that stinger)! She’s accepted this phrase wholeheartedly and even titled her new book, “Life On The Ramona Coaster,” which seems accurate. Just like Vicki Gunvalson likes to ‘whoop’ it up when she drinks — Ramona refers to her wino moments as ‘turtle time.’
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5. Falling Asleep on the Reunion Show
The reunion episodes of the Real Housewives are usually the most dramatic of the whole season, full of explosive arguments and this last reunion for the Real Housewives of New York was no different. However, Ramona takes the cake when she appears to fall asleep while Carole and Dorinda share stories about overcoming the death of their late husbands. When Carole noticed she immediately called her out in annoyance and said, “wake up.” There is some speculation as to whether she was drinking too much prior to the taping, as LuAnn does the hand motion of a bottle being tipped toward her mouth and said, “She had three glasses” (presumably of Ramona’s favorite Pinot Grigio). What’s controversial about this is that she chooses to take her midday nap in the middle of an extremely sensitive subject as her co-stars share their heartbreaking stories. In typical Ramona fashion, she chooses to tune out when the subject matter doesn’t pertain to her. When pressed about it, she brushed it off and replied, “I’m sorry. I didn’t get my four o’clock nap.”
Charles Sykes/Bravo
4. The Berkshires
Two season ago on the Real Housewives of New York all the women traveled to the Berkshires to spend the weekend at Heather Thomson’s beautiful summer home. All the women had a great time, except for Ramona who, as always, had plenty to say. She made comments like, “Who goes to the Berkshires? Nobody goes to the Berkshires! The average price in [Heather’s] area is $300,000. The Berkshires is more for people who, well, can’t afford the Hampton’s. Does she have a tennis court? A pool? I don’t like humble. I like nice. I like luxurious.” After that episode aired, it’s unlikely Ramona will be getting any more warm invitations. Not only did Ramona insult viewers who live in the Berkshires, and Heather, but she said these comments to her face! When they first pulled up to the house Ramona asked if the cottage (which is definitely no humble abode) was the garage knowing very well that it wasn’t. She ends up abruptly leaving and heads straight to the Hampton’s to run with a much ritzier crowd.
3. Insulting the Bartender
Ramona Singer is a hard woman to please, but she took it to a whole new level last season when Bethenny Frankel threw a hot Valentines party tailored perfectly to Sonja and Ramona’s wishes, which was actually just one important wish: provide men. Frankel answered their demands with a party that had “more men than booze — and there’s a lot of booze!” However, Ramona is not impressed. She complains to Bethenny, “Not to be, like, negative, but I don’t really see that many men here. Where are these hot men I’m supposed to meet?” Stumped, Bethenny introduced the bartender, but Ramona quickly shuts her down: “but he’s a bartender!” Not surprisingly, Frankel is completely horrified by Ramona’s reaction. When interviewed about it afterwards, Bethenny said, “When she called out the bartender for his profession, I almost passed out. I wouldn’t say what she said to anyone. [Ramona] is painfully awkward, and if she isn’t getting exactly what she wants, she pouts and stomps.”
2. Champagne Showers
The beginning of a endless wine toss between Ramona and Kirsten Taekman began while the ladies were enjoying a spa day. The women were sitting in a jacuzzi when Ramona and Sonja get in an argument because Ramona admits to meddling in Sonja’s new relationship. Kirsten makes a comment that Ramona is probably meddling because she’s jealous of Sonja’s younger man. Ramona then unexpectedly tosses her wine in Kirsten’s face, who quickly retaliates by splashing water out of the tub onto a dry land-based Ramona. Despite Ramona making the first move in this argument, she never apologized and is furious with Kirsten for ruining her perfect hair. However, Kirsten is disturbed like many viewers and asks the question, “Is this normal behavior for a woman her age?” Ramona sure knows how to throw a wine-y tantrum!
1. The Canoe Incident
Not only is this moment the most controversial for Ramona, but it’s probably one of the most controversial of all the Real Housewives series. We’ve seen some spilled wine and broken glasses, but never has a woman on the show thrown a wine glass at another cast member. Ramona was in a sour mood already because of being in the Berkshires at Heather’s summer house, but her fury goes to a whole new level when the women are out canoeing on the lake and Kirsten gets in a tiff with Ramona. Kirsten gets frustrated and splashes some water on Ramona (which we all known Ramona doesn’t like) — Ramona retaliates by chucking her wine glass at Kirsten’s face and splits open her lip! Afterwards, Singer refused to apologize or own up to the seriousness of her actions and simply said, “She got me wet. I just threw my glass. Don’t mess with me.” Yikes. She later tweeted out, “In response to all your tweets on my glass throwing at Kirsten, it was a kneejerk reaction. The glass was plastic, but there’s no excuse.”