The Bold And The Beautiful (B&B), Days Of Our Lives (DOOL), General Hospital (GH) and The Young and The Restless (Y&R) have a number of characters who are either hugely unpopular with viewers or who no longer serve a purpose. These roles just need to disappear or fade into the woodwork. The following is a list of soap opera characters who should be written off in 2023.
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12. Esme Prince – GH
The scheming Esme was on last year’s list of characters who needed to be written off, and it had looked like fans got their wish. During a huge argument with Ava in August, Esme fell over the parapet at Wyndemere and tumbled into the ocean. But had she bitten the dust? Fans couldn’t get so lucky. Alas, the demon spawn of Ryan recently returned to Port Charles, expecting with Nikolas’ child. Perhaps in 2023, someone can finish the job Ava started.
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11. Paris Buckingham – B&B
Paris is another character who was also on last year’s list of those who needed to be written off. Although she did get a decent storyline this year involving Carter, Zende and Quinn, since then she’s been completely sidelined. Paris occasionally appears modeling one of Zende’s designs, or to cause trouble spreading office gossip. But other than that, this character doesn’t contribute much to any of B&B’s storylines. This year, it’s time for her to finally go.
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10. Zende Forrester – B&B
Speaking of Zende, if he exited B&B in 2023, no one would notice. Kristen and Tony’s son is scarcely in any scenes. Plus, he was barely even featured during the recent Hope For The Future fashion preview, despite the fact that he designed many of the gowns. Let’s face it, this character deserves better and should move on.
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9. Dr. Rolf – DOOL
Dr. Rolf is a ridiculous character whose magical serum has brought just about everyone in Salem back to life at one time or another. He’s resurrected the likes of Will, Jack, EJ, Ava, Vivian and most recently, Stefan. DOOL’s resident mad scientist has run his course and it’s time for him to make his exit, stage left.
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8. Noah Newman – Y&R
Noah was brought back to the Y&R canvas in late 2021 and ever since, he’s been a complete snooze fest. He was recently paired with Jack’s granddaughter Allie, who is sweet, but unfortunately just as boring as Noah. Plus, there’s not much chemistry between the two characters. Even Noah’s troublemaker ex-girlfriend Audra’s sudden appearance in Genoa City hasn’t made him exciting. Writers need to send Noah back to London for good.
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7. Rafe Hernandez – DOOL
Speaking of snooze fests, many DOOL fans would agree this character is long past his due date. The keystone cop was recently thrown into a romance with Ava, which didn’t really work. In 2022, he married Nicole, who is in love with Eric. And why wouldn’t she be? Rafe is about as exciting as watching paint dry. It’s high past time for him to exit Salem.
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6. Ryan Chamberlain – GH
Like a bad penny, Ryan seems to keep popping back up in Port Charles. Just when viewers think they’re rid of him, there he is again. In 2022, it was revealed that he was faking a medical condition called locked-in syndrome. He had doctors convinced that he was completely immobile. But viewers found out that was not the case when he began communicating with his daughter. Both he and Esme need to go, tout suite.
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5. Sharon Rosales – Y&R
Unfortunately, ever since her husband Rey lost his life in a car accident, Sharon has done nothing but dole out coffee and advice. This character, who has been on the soap since 1994, has had no plotline whatsoever and is only ever seen at Crimson Lights. It’s a shameful way to treat a character who has been an integral part of Genoa City for nearly 30 years. Producers need to either give her a juicy storyline or just write her out.
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4. Leo Stark – DOOL
Salem troublemaker Leo seems to think he’s a master manipulator, but he’s anything but. He’s failed in each of his get-rich-quick schemes, including a harassment suit, extortion and marrying a rich guy. Plus, Leo has wronged so many people in town that he’s got more enemies than friends at this point. Let’s hope the con man will finally just admit defeat and leave for greener pastures.
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3. Gladys Corbin – GH
Now that Gladys’ son Brando has passed away, courtesy of “the hook”, what’s keeping her in Port Charles? There certainly doesn’t seem to be a good reason for her to stay. The resident busybody isn’t going to have anything to do in 2023, with the exception of interfering in her former daughter-in-law’s life. So, she may as well just pack her bags and leave.
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2. Wyatt Spencer – B&B
Wyatt was barely seen in 2022, besides the occasional lunch or dinner with Liam and Bill. More than a year ago he got engaged to Flo, a character who has completely disappeared from the canvas. Not to mention the fact that he’s now homeless, having sold his beach house to Taylor. Wyatt’s mother Quinn also recently exited the sudser. So, if he isn’t going to be given anything to do in 2023 besides chatting with and giving advice to his father and brother, Wyatt should just exit quietly.
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1. Diane Jenkins – Y&R
Diane Jenkins is a character you either love or hate, and it seems like the majority of viewers can’t stand her. This character bit the dust in 2011, via a rock to the head, courtesy of Nikki. But as it turned out, Deacon helped Ms. Jenkins fake her demise and she returned to Y&R just over a decade later. Since then, Nikki, Ashley and Phyllis have been determined to kick her out of Genoa City. However, Diane has been determined to stay. Will the unlikely allies succeed in getting rid of her in 2023? One can only hope.
© Howard Wise/