Soap opera characters die yearly, but does anyone take death seriously when it comes to daytime drama? After all, if General Hospital’s little Jake Spencer can come back to the land of the living after dying in a hospital and donating an organ (to boot), then there’s hope for all. Joking aside, most soap opera villains die a horrendous death, only to show up years later, back to their same old tricks. Who will come back to life in the new year? Below is a list of 12 soap opera villains who are sure to show back up from the dead in 2019.
12. Sheila Carter – Young and the Restless
Bold and the Beautiful fans know that Sheila is alive and well, but failed to let anyone know in Genoa City! Sheila showing up to torture Lauren Fenmore is a huge possibility in 2019; however, actress Kimberlin Brown is currently pursuing a career in politics. She recently was defeated by Democrat Raul Ruiz when it came to the 36th congressional district in California, so there’s a good chance she may decide to go back to daytime drama. If all the stars align in 2019, Sheila could return to the Y&R before we know it.
©Brian Lowe/
11. Xander Kiriakis – Days of Our Lives
If you read up on Internet soap spoilers, then this may be no big shocker. While Days fans all thought Xander perished during that warehouse explosion this past fall, seems like he (and Nicole Walker) just may have survived. According to the Soap.SheKnows website, the actor who plays Xander is set for a return come 2019. Is he alive, or will he be doing a dream sequence? Xander may also return as a ghost! You never know with DOOL!
© XJJohnson/
10. Cesar Faison – General Hospital
GH fans all saw Cesar Faison die before their very eyes and get hauled off in 2018, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s gone for good. Soap opera writers can be quite creative, and with Peter, Anna, Britt, and Liesl still in Port Charles, a Faison return would just enhance this current (and crazy) storyline.
© Howard Wise/
9. Tom Fisher – Young and the Restless
Unlike a lot of soap operas, the Y&R doesn’t generally have over-the-top villains looking for world dominance; moreover, all of their characters tend to have good and bad within them, and moral lines are often blurred between heroes and villains. This makes storylines far more believable, and keeps the characters far more human, and easy for audiences to connect with. Tom Fisher was an exception to this rule and an awful villain who was a complete slim ball through and through. While he was shot by John Abbott back in 2009, a return to Genoa City would stir things up in 2019!
©Brian Lowe/
8. Vivian Alamain – Days of Our Lives
Yes, Viv “died” earlier this year, but DOOL fans know all too well that she’s not really dead. With all the explosive Days returns set for 2019, and the fact that Stefan could really use his mom around right now, it wouldn’t be that much of a shocker if Vivian showed up in Salem in the new year.
© XJJohnson/
7. Helena Cassadine – General Hospital
With a huge gap in Drew’s memories and this storyline lingering in the shadows this year, GH fans know that the flash drive holds a lot of unanswered questions for Cain. Having said that, Helena also holds information and the key to helping Drew learn more about his past. As this storyline heats up in 2019, will GH fans be welcome to a Helena return? Anything is possible!
© Howard Wise/
6. Kelly Andrews – Young and the Restless
What really happened to Kelly Andrews? She kidnapped and drugged Jack back in 2015, and was found murdered during his hallucinogenic state; however, nothing was ever really confirmed around her death. Sounds like a bona fide villain return in the making, without any difficult explanation needed about how she survived it all. Kelly Andrews has 2019 villainess comeback written all over her!
© sean smith/
5. Andre DiMera – Days of Our Lives
Internet soap spoilers suggest that actor Thaao Penghlis has filmed some Days episodes set to air in 2019! Does this mean villain Andre is making a comeback? Or could it be a return of good guy character, Tony DiMera? Only time will tell, but these DiMeras (literally) have nine lives, so even though Andre was murdered, there is a good possibility that he could return in the new year.
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4. Nikolas Cassadine – General Hospital
Speaking of murder and the DiMeras, while actor Tyler Christopher (who played Nikolas Cassadine on GH) is currently whooping it up in Salem as Stefan DiMera, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Nikolas Cassadine can’t (or won’t) return to Port Chuckles. There’s always secrets looming in the Cassadine closet, and a return of Nikolas (recast or otherwise) would certainly rock the boat in 2019.
© Howard Wise/
3. Orpheus – Days of Lives
Next to Stefano DiMera, Days fans consider Orpheus to be one of the most horrific villains to grace the land of Salem. He died back in 2016, but that really means nothing, since he was also shot by John Black way back in 1987, only to return. A 2019 comeback to DOOL is must, the town is lacking in its evil schemers!
© Howard Wise/
2. Stefan Cassadine – General Hospital
With actor Stephen Nichols out of DOOL, perhaps a Stefan Cassadine return could be in the making?! It’s been a very long time since anyone has even mentioned Stefan; however, with many of his family members returning from the dead in the past, Stefan could easily slip back into Port Charles life and shock GH viewers. Plus … Laura is a single woman now and could use some romance in her life!
©John Paschal/JPI
1. T. Hellstrom – Young and the Restless
Phyllis, Nikki, Sharon, and Victoria buried J.T. months ago, but with all the plots twists in this storyline, no one would be shocked if it turned out that Hellstrom was alive and well … and messing with everyone’s mind. The silver lining in it all would be that the women wouldn’t have to worry about a murder charge; however, the bad news is that evil J.T. would be back out on the loose!
© Howard Wise/