Will Franco end up doing more damage than good when all is said and done with Peter? Will Maxie finally decide to end things with August? Will Jason play a role in all this? What will Chase stumble upon this week? So many questions, so few answers! As such, below are some General Hospital (GH) plotline predictions for March 8, 2021, to March 19, 2021.
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12. Franco Transforms
Last fans saw Franco, he knocked Peter August over the head, and it seems as if the plan is to hold him hostage. A GH preview video implies that Baldwin will have a ton of questions for Mr. August; however, is this “Franco” or could this be Drew taking over?
© ChrisD/jpistudios.com
11. Drew Wants Answers
Drew could be looking for answers and revenge. Before “Franco” knocked Peter out, he was looking for Jason. He wanted to bring “Stone Cold” in the loop, and it seemed as if he was looking for help. With that said, Drew knows how to handle himself and he knows all about Peter August. He won’t show any mercy, and he could land Franco in hot water when all is said and done.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
10. Peter Accepts His Fate
GH spoilers for this week state that Peter will accept his fate, meanwhile, added teasers for the week of March 15th suggest that he’ll deny any of his wrongdoings. Within the next week, Franco/Drew could hold Peter hostage, and just when he’s ready to ax him, someone comes in for the save. Lucky for Peter, yet might not be so lucky for Franco.
© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com
9. Jason Shoots Franco
Could Jason find Peter and Franco this week, and shoot Baldwin? Stone Cold will be on a mission in the coming days, and if anyone can find Franco and August, it would be Jason. If Jason overhears a conversation between the two, he could decide to make good on his promise and shoot Franco. Other GH spoilers that seem to point to the idea that something bad could happen to Franco in the coming days include the fact that Liz will be somber and need support from Terry, while Scotty (Franco’s father) will be seeing red.
© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com
8. What Will Maxie Do?
It seemed as if Maxie was on the fence about things last week. While she heard everything Liesl said, it sounded like she wasn’t overly convinced without any concrete evidence. A GH preview video indicates that Jones and Anna will talk. Perhaps what Franco knows about Peter will also come to the surface. Maxie breaking up with August seems like the logical thing to do, but logic sometimes gets thrown out the window in the land of soap operas.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
7. Maxie Stays
Maxie could decide to stay with Peter. If she only hears from Anna, and not Franco, she may feel as if there isn’t enough evidence to turn her back on her baby’s daddy. GH spoilers hint that she will make a choice that is best for her, and a day later, regret it. Could she marry Peter and then finally see all the evidence against him the day after?
© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com
6. Maxie Does What’s Best For Her Baby
GH spoilers for the week of March 15th also reveal that Maxie will seek to do what’s best for her child. Could she feel like staying with Peter is her only option? He may convince her that while he did do some bad things (and covered them up), he’s changed and he only lied because he didn’t want to lose her, or lose out on the chance for a real family. Could August manipulate Maxie into staying together? After all, baby number three, all with different dads, and this one is the only one that has a chance to grow up in a family where both parents are together. August could play heavily on this theory.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
5. Chase’s Discovery
Chase is set to stumble across something that he shouldn’t, which could mean one of two things. Either he finds those DNA test results, or he finds Finn playing kissy-face with his mom. The cop is bound to need therapy if either of these scenarios plays out. In other related GH teasers for the week of March 15 that supports this theory, Gregory will get an apology from Jackie. Sounds like the truth around Finn’s one-night stand with her is about to come out.
© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com
4. Nina Will Struggle
Across town, Nina made a major mistake last week, telling Wiley that Willow wasn’t his real mom. It wasn’t her place, and now Michael is second-guessing her role in his son’s life. She’ll struggle with how’s she messed up. She now not only missed an opportunity to be in Nelle’s life, but also Wiley’s. She’ll make an apology to someone in the coming days, and it seems as if she’ll probably reach out to Willow or Michael, or both, hoping for a second chance. Sadly, both of Wiley’s parents will conclude that for now, she needs to stay away from Wiley until she can fully process everything that she’s recently learned around Nelle being her daughter. Nina needs healing before she can start a relationship with Wiley. Or anyone new for that matter.
© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com
3. Nina Reflects
Nina will spend time with both of her exes over the next couple of weeks. She and Valentin will talk about regrets, while Jax will desperately hope the two can reconnect. Nina will reject any idea of reuniting with either of them. It’ll be time for her to take a trip to visit Phyllis and clear her head. She’ll decide to do this the week of March 15th.
© Howard Wise/jpistudios.com
2. Unexpected Visitor
GH spoilers for the week of March 15th hint that Phyllis will get an unexpected visitor. It’ll be Nina, of course, and upon meeting up with her old nurse, Reeves will discover “Mike” a.k.a. Sonny. While her first instinct will be to call up Michael, Jason, and Carly, thanks to all that has gone down, Nina will decide to keep this all to herself. An eye for an eye.
©sean smith/jpistudios.com
1. New Couples Get Closer
With Anna and Finn’s relationship ending, Finn will gravitate closer to Alexis, while Anna and Cassadine will continue to find each other in their orbits. Meanwhile, Sam and Dante will continue to bond. GH spoilers reveal that Sasha will visit Brando the week of March 15th, so it sounds as if these two remain connected, as well. Michael could overcompensate for what Nina has done, and be there for Willow. Chase will be so confused by what he’s stumbled on, he could block Willow out of his life.
© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com