Grey’s Anatomy Quiz: How Well Do You Know Derek Shepherd?

Grey’s Anatomy is one of the most popular TV shows in recent history, premiering in 2005 and still running 16 seasons later (with more ordered). With only a couple of original cast members left, new characters have long been appearing and disappearing (or been knocked off). Derek Shepherd is one of those characters, played by Patrick Dempsey, who was a primary character from the very first episode until his passing on the show on May 14, 2015. It’s been a while since his exit, which makes it the perfect time to see how well you remember Mr. Perfect Married Guy.

Derek Shepherd – you either loved him or couldn’t stand him. But how well do you remember him? Test your knowledge of this Grey’s Anatomy character with this quiz and see if you’re a true fan of the show. After that, why not test your knowledge of the show with our quiz How Well Do You Remember All the Seasons of Grey’s Anatomy?