Movie Quiz: How Well Do You Remember Wedding Crashers?

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Source: New Line Cinema

Wedding Crashers was a hugely successful romantic comedy that starred Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn as two lifelong friends who crash weddings to meet and seduce women and enjoy the free food and drinks. The film was a massice commercial and critical hit and is credited with helping revive the popularity of adult, R-rated comedies in the mid 2000s.

It’s very likely that you saw the movie – it seems like everyone did when it was released. But that was 15 years ago! How much can you remember about Wedding Crashers? Let’s put your knowledge to the test and find out with this quiz! If you’re still feeling nostalgic afterward, check out this Quiz: Can You Name The Rom-Com From This Single Quote?

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When did Wedding Crashers premiere in theaters?
2003 2004 2005 2006
Wedding Crashers was released in the United States on July 15, 2005.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What do John Beckwith (Owen Wilson) and Jeremy Grey (Vince Vaughn) do for a living?
Divorce lawyers Paralegals IT support Divorce mediators
John and Jeremy are both divorce mediators, helping divorcing couples divide up assets when they split.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What song does the pair dance to at every wedding of the season?
Keep It Comin' Love - Matter Music Shout - The Isley Brothers Levi's Locomotive - Matter Music Hava Negila - Klezmer Juice
In the film, "Shout" by The Isley Brothers plays as they dance with other party goers at every wedding they crash.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What is the name of the original wedding crasher that passed down the "legacy" to John and Jeremy?
Randolph Chad Reinhart Chazz Reinhold Sack Lodge
Chazz Reinhold, played by Will Ferrell, was the original crasher who wrote the rules John and Jeremy follow when they crash weddings.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What is the last name of the family wedding that John and Jeremy attend?
Cleary Clancy Clairmont Claney
The duo attends the wedding of Christina Cleary, which is where they meet Claire and Gloria Cleary.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Where do Gloria and Jeremy sleep together for the first time at the wedding?
Bathroom Beach Chapel Sailboat
The pair gets intimate on a blanket at the sandy beach located by the reception location.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What is Claire's boyfriend's name?
Sam Sack Randolph Chazz
Sack Lodge, played by Bradley Cooper, is Claire's boyfriend in the film before she admits she's not sure how she feels about their future.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What sport do John and Jeremy play with the Cleary family when they're invited to and visit the family's cottage?
Cricket Baseball Polo Football
They play football in the backyard during which Jeremy gets tackled and injured by Sack Lodge twice.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What does John put in Sack's drink at dinner to get him out of the picture so he can spend time with Claire?
Laxatives Prune juice Eye drops Contact solution
He spikes Sack's wine with eye drops to make his stomach sick and put him out of commission for the evening.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Who plays Claire Cleary, Sack's girlfriend and John's love interest?
Isla Fisher Rachel McAdams Elizabeth Banks Jenny Alden
Rachel McAdams plays Claire Cleary in her sixth film acting credit.
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What do all the men go hunting for on their annual family hunt?
Ducks Quail Pigeons Deer
As Sack says: "I hunt quail, Jeremy. They're overpopulated in this region!"
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Where do John and Claire have their first kiss?
Beach Sailboat Cottage kitchen On a hike
After riding bikes down to the beach, Claire kisses John for the first time!
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What does John pose as to get into Sack and Claire's engagement party?
Secret service Valet Waiter Event planner
John and Jeremy are both supposed to dress up as waiters to get into the party, but Jeremy never shows so John goes in alone.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What does Chazz yell at his mom to serve when John visits him at his mom's house?
Meatloaf Spaghetti Tacos Meatballs
Chazz (Will Ferrell) yells the classic line, "Hey mom! The meatloaf! We want it now! The meatloaf!"
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What type of event has Chazz moved onto crashing?
Bar mitzvah Funerals Bachelorettes Divorce parties
When John visits Chazz, he finds out that Chazz has moved onto crashing funerals, which John decides is too far for him.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.

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