Quiz: How Well Do You Know Prince Harry?

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Prince Harry grew up in the spotlight and so much has life has been covered by the media, whether it be his philanthropic efforts or his active social life. Ever since news broke that Harry was involved with Suits star Meghan Markle, the public has been even more interested in his life and his relationship with the one-time actress. The real question remains though – how well do you know Prince Harry and how much do you know about his life? Take this quiz to determine whether you’re a true fan of the ginger-haired prince and know everything about him, from his real name to what pet he had as a child!

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What year was Prince Harry born?
1982 1983 1984 1985
He was born in 1984.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
How tall is he?
5’10” 5’11” 6’0” 6’1”
Prince Harry is 6’1”.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What is Prince Harry's title?
Prince of Wales Duke of Sussex Duke of Cambridge Duke of Edinburgh
His title is Duke of Sussex.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What are his middle names?
Charles Albert David Philip Arthur George Arthur Philip Louis Albert Christian Edward
Prince Harry's middle names are Charles Albert David.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Harry is a nickname, so what is his official name?
Harold Harrison Harris Henry
His official name is Henry.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What was Diana’s nickname for Harry?
Wombat My little Spencer Cabbage Poppet
Diana's nickname for Harry was My Little Spencer because of his red hair.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Where was his first overseas trip?
India Canada Australia Italy
Prince Harry's first overseas trip was to Italy.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
As a child, what kind of pet did he have?
A hamster A corgi A lop-eared rabbit A dachshund
Prince Harry had a lop-eared rabbit.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Where did Prince Harry go on his first solo royal tour?
Australia, New Zealand Fiji Belize, the Bahamas and Jamaica Canada Estonia and Italy
For his first solo royal tour, he went to Belize, the Bahamas and Jamaica.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Where was he when his mother died?
Balmoral Castle Buckingham Palace Eton Sandringham Estate
Prince Harry was at Balmoral Castle.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What military college did Prince Harry attend?
Royal Air Force College Cranwell Hellenic Military Academy Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Royal Military Academy Wooldwich
He attended Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What year did he leave the army?
2014 2015 2016 2017
Prince Harry left the army in 2015.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Where did Prince Harry spend his gap year?
Australia and Lesotho Belize, Chile and Kenya Italy and Chile India and Tibet
He spent his gap year in Australia and Lesotho.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Where was he deployed when he was in the army?
Iraq Syria Yemen Afghanistan
Prince Harry was deployed in Afghanistan.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
Where did he marry Meghan Markle?
Westminster Abbey St. James’s Palace St. George’s Chapel Windsor Guildhall
Prince Harry married Meghan at St. George's Chapel.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.
What sporting competition did Prince Harry found?
The Paralympic Games Special Olympics World Games WheelPower Invictus Games
He founded the sporting competition Invictus Games.
%%q_avg_accuracy%% of users got this right.

Quiz: How Well Do You Know Prince Harry?

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