Quiz: What Early 2000s Sitcoms Are These Recurring Characters From?

From animated shows like The Simpsons, to beloved classics like Friends, sitcoms are a great hallmark of American television. While they might be cheesy at times, we must admit, we can’t help but indulge in these series and some of the good ones are actually incredibly funny. While the ’90s had some of the best sitcoms of all time (in our personal opinion), the early 2000s was also a really great time in television. Shows like Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and That ’70s Show were making their mark on the industry and have now outlived their airtime.

There aren’t many people left out there who don’t watch television, so most people will be at least somewhat familiar with any of these well known sitcoms. For those who consider themselves pop culture nerds, TV fanatics, or even just ‘in the know,’ we encourage you to take this quiz and find out just how well you remember some of the most popular shows from the early 2000s. See if you can name which show these popular recurring characters appeared in. You might be pleasantly surprised! Warning: this quiz might make you want to go back and rewatch some of these shows…