Ashton Kutcher Brags At Tech Event About Sleeping With Mila Kunis

Celebrities live seemingly charmed lives and sometime the rich, famous and gorgeous live those lives together, making us even more jealous of them.  Ashton Kutcher, 37, is no exception and is well aware of his lucky life.

While Kutcher is known for his dashing good looks and great sense of humor, he is also engaged (or maybe already married) to actress, Mila Kunis – one of the hottest stars in Hollywood, for those of you living under a rock.  Ashton had no problem reminding everyone he was with her at a recent conference.

As an investor and entrepreneur Kutcher was at  Lenovo’s Tech My Way conference in Sydney, Australia on Friday February 13 where he told the crowd, “I really struggled with what I was gonna talk about today” and thought “long and hard” about it, looking to his personal life for stories to connect to the audience which resulted in him jokingly bragging about his relationship with Kunis.

“Last week, I was walking with Mila…Kunis, who’s my fiancée. I get to have sex with her. It’s amazing!,” he stated as the crowd laughed. However, he didn’t mention it once, but twice by bringing it up again when discussing her new film Jupiter Ascending, “She plays the Queen of Humanity. I have sex with the Queen of Humanity!”

The jokester was going somewhere with all of this though, finally getting to the point that people do not ask important people the ‘right’ questions relating it to Kunis getting asked “What are you wearing?” when attending events.

“A great question is armed with knowledge, armed with care and thought, and… it looks for problems and inconsistencies. Great questions expose problems, and problems are the seeds to solution,” Kutcher eloquently explained.

We’d have to agree.

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