Cameron Diaz Abruptly Ends Interview After Insult

Published on July 23, 2014. Updated October 15, 2014
DFree /

Ah, geez. Australians may sound quite refined, with their used-to-be-British accents, but when it comes to interviewing American celebrities, they are quite coarse with their words. Cameron Diaz recently offered a phone interview to Greater Sydney, Australia’s KIIS 106.5. It didn’t go so well.

The interview started out great. Cameron was on the line with Kyle and Jackie O., the famed morning hosts, chatting up her new film Sex Tape, and answering a myriad of questions while the hosts discussed things among themselves. It was as morning radio shows go. Things turned a little sour when Kyle plugged a mention of Drew Barrymore into the mix. It wasn’t an ask about Cameron’s friendship with Drew, rather a knock on Drew’s past battles with drug addiction.

Cameron played nice, but gave the salt right back to Kyle. Poor Jackie O. was doing everything she could to smooth the waters, and keep on sailing. The interview continued, but Kyle turned back to his ledger marked, “Questions I Shouldn’t Ask,” and popped off another.

This time it was about Cameron’s relationship with Good Charlotte lead guitarist, Benji Madden. The interview got awkward at that point–rather silent.

Yes, Cameron and Benji are a thing, but the two aren’t keen for the public eye in their mix. They prefer to keep a distance from the paparazzi, and any news source looking to do a story about their relationship. Cameron has always been spicy when it comes to addressing her personal life. She disallows a patience for it.

You should hear the interview for yourself in the video below, and check out a little bonus of awkward interviews toward the end.

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Things You Didn’t Know About Cameron Diaz And Justin Timberlake’s Relationship

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