Charlie Sheen To Reprise Iconic 1980’s Role On The Goldbergs

Before he was “winning”, going on cocaine fueled rants, calling out executives on Two and a Half Men, being arrested, breaking off engagements to former adult films stars and getting replaced by Ashton Kutcher, Charlie Sheen was just a “Boy in Police Station.”

Since Sheen, 49, has had such a long career in the entertainment industry and has covered tabloids numerous times with his antics, not many remember how he got his big break in Hollywood, but he is now reminding everyone as he returns to his roots.

In 1986 Sheen played the role of “Boy in Police Station” for the iconic hit Ferris Bueller’s Day Off starring Matthew Broderick.

In the film he played a stereotypical bad boy who engages in conversation with Bueller’s sister, Jeanie, played by Jennifer Grey who a year later would star in the classic Dirty Dancing.

In early looks for an upcoming episode of the ABC comedy, The Goldbergs, Sheen once again dons a leather jacket in a police station and meets Barry Goldberg’s sister Erica Goldberg there.

The episode is framed around a sort of modern recreation of Ferris Bueller after Barry Goldberg tries to have his own epic day off.

As well as his appearance on The Goldbergs, Sheen is still starring in his own comedy series Anger Management.

New episodes of The Goldbergs, including Sheen’s episode, will being airing in early 2015.

Also Check Out: Charlie Sheen’s 10 Craziest Quotes Ever

Check out a young Charlie Sheen in the clip below!