Exclusive: V. Stiviano & Donald Sterling Before The Scandal (Watch)

Caution: Scathing words ahead. We have some video evidence of the saccharine sweet love affair between V. Stiviano and the embattled Donald Sterling. It’s as awesomely bad as you’d expect.

The most annoying thing about the entire Donald Sterling scandal? V. Stiviano came out of the whole thing smelling like a rose. Because we’ve decided as a society that some despicable things are worse than other despicable things, Donald Sterling was the only “bad guy” within the racist tirade. But let’s ask ourselves: What kind of person would lead a line of questioning, using exploitative tactics, and personal baggage in order to extort someone for money?

V. Stiviano.

When the “Sterling recording” was released, it wasn’t hard to imagine what kind of person Stiviano would be. These types are a dime a dozen in Los Angeles, and they’re the reason the city has the reputation it does. In truth, there are some stellar people in this town, and some of the most creative minds in the world. The V. Stiviano’s are ruining things for more than the racist Donald Sterling’s.

The video below highlights a selfie-taking V. and her sugar daddy, DTS, as she likes to call him. They’re roaming the streets of New Orleans, and you can pretty much see that Donald Sterling hates life during the video roll. What you can really tell: V. Stiviano is yet another human being who believes loud and obnoxious behavior in public equates to definitive life success. Oh, alcohol. Such a revealing drug.

Please, 15 minutes. Tick away. Tick faster and faster.

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