How Chrissy Teigen Fights Twitter Trolls

It’s been a week heavy with Chrissy Teigen. You’re welcome.

Chrissy stopped by Chelsea Lately for chat about all things life, including social media, husband John Legend and how she handles the trolls on Twitter.

Christine Teigen is that exotic model who would have to be from some place you’ve never heard of–but then you learn that she was born in Utah, and lived all over the western United States. She’s that girl who was known as Chrissy in Huntington Beach, CA, “Surf City,” who was asked–while working at a surf shop: “Have you ever done any modeling?” She’s brash, she has a great sense of humor and as we reported earlier this week, she was once fired from a Forever 21 gig for what she presumed was a weight issue.

Her interview on Chelsea Lately was stellar. The women were immediately comfortable with one another, and it was obvious that they’re cut from a similar cloth. They’re of the “You shouldn’t mess with me” variety, and this led to a short and fun discussion about Twitter.

Like Chelsea Handler, Chrissy Teigen doesn’t put up with the Twitter trolls. It’s fascinating that so many people will troll the popular social media site. Generally, these people are hoping for any kind of response. It’s like the fans who go see their favorite band, and flip the lead singer off so they might say something to them. (Justin Timberlake knows this well.)

When “fans” of Chrissy troll for comments on Twitter, she’ll drop the hammer. She ain’t got time for that.

To see the fun interview, check out the video below!