Adorable Farmer Chris has been eliminated from The Bachelorette — but that might actually be good news.
Fans and bloggers have suggested that he’d be the perfect candidate for the next season of The Bachelor. The 32 year-old farmer from Iowa is hunky, friendly, smart and romantic. On his bio on, he says that he is romantic when he’s with the right person; “it makes me excited to feel the excitement in someone when you do something really special for them,” he explains.
Wait. There are still romantic gentlemen out there??
Chris, a football fan, is hoping for a slender, athletic woman who “is beautiful, funny, smart and can hold an amazing conversation.”
Even if it didn’t work out for Chris and Andi, he planned an amazing hometown date that made Andi’s rejection of him tearful and difficult — check out the video to see why she eliminated him.
“I was heartbroken, because I had fallen in love with her and could see a future with her on the farm, especially given that we’d just come off of a great hometown date a week earlier,” Chris said in an interview after the show.
“But you can’t force someone to feel something that isn’t there, and I appreciated her honesty and respected that she spared me a rose ceremony.”
Do you think Chris should be the next Bachelor?