Justin Bieber Is Begging Seth Rogen To Roast Him
Published on March 3, 2015.Comedy Central’s roast of Justin Bieber is only going to be interesting because many people are curious about how Bieber will react to the severe ribbing he is going to get.
Even though Justin asked the network to do a roast of him, his roast-master Kevin Hart revealed the Biebs is at least a little worried about it. “He’s 100 percent nervous. It’s not even a half-question. He’s like, ‘Hey, so Kev, you’re going to take it easy, right? And I said, ‘Absolutely not.'”
While the topics of roasting aren’t going to be surprising as Bieber’s numerous instances of odd and simply bad behavior have been highly documented, it is how it is delivered that will determine if Bieber can take it, and it turns out he’s personally begging some stars to give it their best shot.
Bieber has tweeted at actor Seth Rogen, 32, multiple times leading up to the taping, writing things like, “I would have emailed you but this is the only electronic communication with u that doesn’t scare me. Hope to see u at the roast.”
Prior to his 21st birthday on March 1 he tweeted at Rogen again, “All I want for my birthday, is for you to roast me. I took the twitter bashing please make my bday and do it in person. Thanks.”
That was only the beginning of Bieber’s pleas which all seem to stem from an interview Rogen did last year in which he slammed the Canadian pop star.
“He’s a good example of someone you meet, who you think you’re going to hate, and then you get to hate him as much as you thought. You meet him, and he lives up to every one of your expectations of how you hope he will be,” The Interview star told Howard Stern.
While there is no confirmed roasters yet for Bieber, Rogen still has time to jump in before the segment tapes on March 14 and will air on the network on March 30.
Also Check Out: 7 Celebrities Who Have Slammed Justin Bieber