Kim K Goes Off Over Butt Implants Reports!

It would only make sense that Kim Kardashian’s enormous butt would be the result of implants, right?

Nope. That’s not the case. Not according to Kim. Her butt is just huge. Livin’ large. She had a baby, don’t ya know? And her goods offer more cushion for Kanye’s pushin’. You dig?

Yeah, this is all ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. The fact that Kim Kardashian is still responding to reports that she got butt implants is the most ridiculous aspect of the entire story. Why, Kim? Haven’t you shown us that thing enough by now? We all believe it’s real. An incredibly large, logic-and-physics-defying, Armenian tookus. It’s shocking that it’s so shapely, but more power to ya, Kim. More power to ya.

Kim took to Twitter and Instagram to fight back against her a** critics. She posted a few pictures and reminded everyone that she is still 15 pounds over her pre-baby weight. And here’s the deal: Kim may photograph “tall” or “average height,” but she’s not even close. The girl is relatively tiny, barely hitting 5’3″ on the measuring tape. So, even when a butt gets big on a small frame, it looks huge! And in the photos she offered, it looks very large, and very much in charge. Her butt is almost as big as Kanye’s ego.

And if you think Kim K. has added a little artificial bump to the hindquarters, consider a paradigm: Have you ever actually seen someone with butt implants? It’s as obvious as someone with breast implants when the skin starts to show. So, let’s get down to brass tacks.

Who is alleging that Kim got butt implants? Did you hear these allegations? These accusations? These reports? It would seem that someone desires more attention, and might have possibly blown a single tweet way out of proportion intentionally? Why not.

Wanna see for yourself? Of course you do. Check out the video to see what Kim has to say (and show) about her famous derriere.

Also Check Out: The 7 Photos Kim Kardashian Doesn’t Want You To See!