You think this headline is a joke… Kim K. takes to a social media outlet to do some complaining? What’s next… the sky is blue? The grass is green? The Pacific Ocean is full of Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear radiation? Let’s get to the bottom of this phenomenon, and see what Kim was complaining about.
Oh. OK. This is an easy one. Kim took to Twitter to talk about how tired she is, but that she must continue on in the good fight. This must be a complaint about having to be up during the night to meet the needs of baby North. For a second, it seemed that Kim might be complaining about something that people cared about, but if you’re a fan of Kim Kardashian, perhaps you want to pity her plight as a millionaire mother.
For the rest of society, we at Fame10 will speak frankly to Kim: Buck up, honey! You have nothing to complain about. We all know what being tired is, and many of us know about being tired while raising more than one child. So… perhaps the next time you want to Tweet about a rough night, attempt to make it humorous. Take a page out of sister Khloe’s book. Tell us something funny or unflattering you did.
Here’s an example: Tell us that North spit up on you, but you were too tired to really clean it up, so you crawled back into bed with Kanye while the spittle was still on your shoulder. Now, that… is Twitter-worthy.
To get more of this sweet dish, check out the video below!
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