Mel B’s Sister Danielle Brown Slams Stephen Belafonte After Mel’s Abuse Claims

Published on April 6, 2017.

Photo by Stewart Cook/REX/Shutterstock

Although Melanie Brown aka Mel B. the former ‘Scary Spice’ Spice Girl and her sister Danielle Brown have been estranged for quite some time, Danielle is sticking up for her sister after Mel’s claims of extreme abuse from her husband Stephen Belafonte.

Earlier in this week, shortly after officially filing for divorce, Mel’s claims of abuse went public and ranged from extreme physical abuse to sexual abuse at the hands of her estranged husband Belafonte. Now, Danielle Brown has posted a scathing rant about her former brother-in-law, celebrating her sister for finally ridding him from her life.

Danielle took to her Instagram to write, “Dear all media I won’t be selling a story on my sister never have and never will!! Here is my comment below so you can now leave me and my mum alone and let us be united and grieve the loss of my dad.” She continued, “@stephenthinks11 8 years of abusive calls me and my mum have had stating we would never see Melanie again.I am laughing and celebrating as you were are a sorry excuse of a man !! To the left to the left everything you own in the box to the left I hope you Lorraine Giles and Michael Bleu go to jail and rot in hell !! #wifebeater#physcopath #animalkiller #abuser#eventslocker #moneylaundering #fraud#criminal #adultery #kidnap#attemptedmuder #firearm #controling#violent #evil #devilman#gotmysistersback #united#mydadisdancinginhisgrave#dontmesswiththebrowns.”

Despite Mel’s claims, Belafonte is adamant that he is innocent, with his lawyers releasing a statement: “What matters most to Mr. Belafonte is the safety and well-being of his daughters and step-daughters. It’s a shame that Ms. Brown elected not to proceed in a respectful and amicable fashion in this very private matter. In due course, Mr. Belafonte will be filing his response to the outrageous and unfounded allegations made by Ms. Brown, which allegations he vehemently denies. When the Court determines the truth, it will become clear that this entire charade was nothing more than a smear campaign intended to cover up Ms. Brown’s own conduct during the marriage in light of her current involvement with a family television show, and in an effort to unfairly gain leverage both financially and with respect to custody of the children.” The statement continues, “When the degree to which Ms. Brown has gone to create a false depiction of her marriage to Mr. Belafonte is uncovered, real victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse will be understandably offended, angry and upset. Mr. Belafonte is confident that the truth will come out when he has his day in court at which time he looks forward to being reunited with his children. In the meantime, Mr. Belafonte requests that he and his children be given the space they deserve during this challenging time.”

Dear all media I won’t be selling a story on my sister never have and never will!! Here is my comment below so you can now leave me and my mum alone and let us be united and grieve the loss of my dad. @stephenthinks11 8 years of abusive calls me and my mum have had stating we would never see Melanie again.I am laughing and celebrating as you were are a sorry excuse of a man !! To the left to the left everything you own in the box to the left I hope you Lorraine Giles and Michael Bleu go to jail and rot in hell !! #wifebeater #physcopath #animalkiller #abuser #eventslocker #moneylaundering #fraud #criminal #adultery #kidnap #attemptedmuder #firearm #controling #violent #evil #devilman #gotmysistersback #united #mydadisdancinginhisgrave #dontmesswiththebrowns

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