Princess Kate Speaks Out In Rare PSA

Well, well, well. The UK finally got a real spokesperson for mental and emotional health, and it’s a Royal!

Princess Kate seems to have found her cause, and it’s likely a cause that is near to her heart. Being a mother, and being the wife of a man who lost his mother tragically while at a very young age, Kate understands the importance of mental health in children. She also has an empathetic understanding of how fragile the emotional and mental health of a child can be.

Sadly, she probably won’t receive a lot of celebrity-led support in the United States, because our m.o. stateside is to medicate those problems. Still, a spotlight is a spotlight, and it’s appreciated.

Kate and William have pledged their support to the mental health organization Place2Be, in shedding light on the country’s first Children’s Mental Health Week.

Place2Be is an charitable organization in the UK which serves youth through a focus on mental and emotional well being. The organization works through schools, and partners with third parties to provide support to children who are struggling with any number of issues that might leave them downtrodden–from schoolyard bullies to misunderstandings with friends to domestic violence in their home.

Children’s Mental Health Week is designed to raise awareness regarding the importance of mental health, just as many organizations are attempting to promote physical health. Great Britain’s first Children’s Mental Health Week is taking place now, February 16-22, 2015.

To see Kate’s speak out on mental health, check out the video below.