After saying goodbye to Dean Unglert following the hometown dates, Rachel was left with Eric Bigger, Peter Kraus and Byan Abasolo for the overnight dates in Spain, and finally we have come to the big finale episode!
Each of Rachel’s final four had their own fanbase, but right from the beginning Peter has received a lot of love from fans, so with many rooting for him, they are more anxious than ever to find out if Rachel does in fact pick him. Luckily, for those who just can’t wait until tonight’s final rose ceremony, Reality Steve has all of this season’s secrets already detailed — including who wins!
Reality Steve Bachelorette Spoilers Reveal Rachel’s Final Pick
After the shocking elimination of Dean, Rachel had an even more difficult decision before her and in the end decided to send Eric home, leaving Peter and Bryan as her final two! Since the Men Tell All Episode was all about Lee, we didn’t get any more telling information about what is set to happen in tonight’s finale episode, but Reality Steve is reporting that in the most difficult decision of all, Rachel chooses 37-year-old chiropractor Bryan!
Sorry, for the disappointment Peter fans, but Rachel seems very happy in her decision to choose Bryan and the pair are happily engaged. Of course, we will have to wait until After the Final Rose for any new details on their relationship now that they can go public, and how Peter is feeling after the rejection!
Good luck to Rachel and Bryan!