Sean Spicer Shares Message To Tom Bergeron After DWTS Elimination

Published on November 13, 2019.

While Sean Spicer and Dancing With the Stars host Tom Bergeron haven’t exactly smoothed things over, Spicer told Us Weekly exclusively on November 12 that he has no ill will towards the host.

“I would stand by my comments at the beginning of the show, which were just that I think the ability to bring a bunch of people together from very diverse backgrounds and watch them get together and care about each other is something that we need more of not less of,” said the former White House press secretary when he was asked if he had a message for Bergeron. “The show can be a great example of that and is a great example of that. I just think that not allowing those things to happen will continue to create a sense of divisiveness.”

Spicer also talked about how Dancing With the Stars Season 28 was “proof of the good that can come of these kinds of interactions.”

After news about how the former politician would appear on the show, many viewers and fans of the show snapped on social media about Season 28’s celebrity casting choice, and host Tom Bergeron shared his opinion as well.

“A few months ago, during a lunch with DWTS‘ new Executive Producer, I offered suggestions for Season 28. Chief among them was my hope that DWTS, in its returning following an unprecedented year-long hiatus, would be a joyful respite from our exhausting political climate and free of inevitably divisive bookings from ANY party affiliations,” Bergeron tweeted in August. “I left that lunch convinced we were in agreement. Subsequently (and rather obviously), a decision was made to, as we often say in Hollywood, ‘go in a different direction.'”

Bergeron continued, “It is the prerogative of the producers, in partnership with the network, to make whatever decisions they feel are in the best long term interests of the franchise. We can agree to disagree, as we do now, but ultimately it’s their call. I’ll let it to them to answer any further questions about those decisions.”

Even though Spicer was eliminated from the Dancing With the Stars on November 11, he was still pleased about the time he spent on the show. “I took away a great, great experience,” expressed to Us Weekly. “I took away a lot of great relationships, a lot of good memories.”

Dancing With the Stars

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