Susan Sarandon Talks Being Stoned at Awards Shows, Hollywood Hookups

Susan Sarandon is like a fine wine.

The 67 year old actress–who is as stunning as she’s ever been–stopped by Watch What Happens Live to offer a little love, and eventually plead the fifth, as most first-time guests do.

The line of questioning was as outrageous as one might imagine, and included asks of the Oscar-winner: how many awards shows have you been to while stoned, as well as how many fellow celebrities have you hooked up with? Sarandon is able to laugh-off and enjoy her own fortunate-misfortune.

Sure, she’s been a little light or tipsy at awards shows, but she did assure everyone that she has more respect for Oscar. Her acceptance speech following her 1995 win for Dead Man Walking, was definitive sobriety. And about the hookups? You can watch the video below and make a few of your own guesses. Something tells me Tim Robbins is on the list.

Sarandon’s admission does offer food for thought. It’s almost more fun to watch awards shows and try to figure who’s drunk and/or stoned, than it is to see the poorly conceptualized sketches and bits. When the perfect storm rages, you get a host who loves to toe the line. For example, the Oscar’s hosted by James Franco and Anne Hathaway. Or shall we say Anne Hathaway, and that dude from Pineapple Express who was stoned out of his mind. Is it just me, or is his permanent squinch not always so charming?

Before digressing any further, back to Ms. Sarandon.

The Hollywood icon also mentioned that Hugh Hefner used to ring up her people annually, hoping Sarandon might grace the pages of his publication. She always turned him down. Apparently, the offers stopped rolling in once she was in her 60s.

Have a look at the video to hear Susan’s answers, and for a prime example of what we all hope to look like at 67.

Check out the video: