The Bachelorette Recap: Tensions Getting Physical?

Tonight we started back where we left off: with Eric in a fight with pretty much everyone. However, the most intense accusation was Dean hinting that Lee may be racist as he seems to be picking fights with mainly non-white men in the house. This accusation isn’t news to viewers as since the show has aired, Lee has exposed for having racist tweets on his Twitter account. Despite Rachel hearing about Lee’s behavior from multiple sources, Lee was still given a rose at the rose ceremony. Brady, Bryce and Diggy were the unlucky men to be sent home.

On Dean’s one on one we watched him push himself out of his comfort zone, by conquering his fear of heights and opening up about his mother’s death. Rachel and Dean so far have demonstrated a pure and easy relationship, and it was no surprise that he was offered, and accepted, a rose.

The group date consisted of a hilarious, and at times concerning, spelling bee which Josiah won with the word “polyamorous”. Tensions rose quickly between the men on the group date. Iggy and Josiah had wee bit of a disagreement, the Kenny and Lee drama continued, and Lee managed to frustrate nearly every guy on the date. However, during Lee’s one on one time with Rachel, he seemed to be able to convince her that Kenny was the aggressor. The night ended with Kenny and Lee heading out to the balcony and the initiation of an extremely heated discussion. The “to be continued” showed that blood will be shed, we’ll just have to wait until next Monday to find out why.