Kim Kardashian And Kanye West’s Epic PDA At Grammy Awards
Published on February 9, 2015.These two are absurd. Absurd. Kanye just makes your blood boil, doesn’t he? What a flipping fool.
While enjoying their photo ops on the red carpet for the Grammy Awards, Kanye pushed all-in, and tried to mess up Kim’s makeup with an epic 1940s-style kiss. Adding to the hard press of the lips, and stayed classy by grabbing two handfuls of Kim’s rotund hindquarters.
Mercy. This guy. It may not be about Kanye, and he may not be nominated for, or win anything, but it’s always about Kanye. Just ask him. His perspective on everything would fix the world. And when he disagrees with something, he will argue his points based on speculation and conjecture… just watch him.
Too bad he couldn’t just enjoy the smiling moments on the red carpet, then settle into his seat to enjoy the show. He had to go full Kanye and storm the stage after Beck won the top prize of the evening, and Beyonce didn’t.
Dude. Seriously. Shut up. You are an angry little man, and I’d bet everything I own that you never listened to Beck’s album. This guy is that rare breed who pushes these boundaries for any publicity, because he’s smart and knows it sells, but at some point, it becomes cumbersome. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t wish I’d bump into this guy while out and about in L.A.
If I do… I promise you Fame10 readers: I will say something headline worthy, and nothing less.
Now. For the moment that was almost charming on the red carpet… check out the video below.